Old School Steroid Cycles!!
By: The Steroid Guru
I'm old school, through and through!! My ideal look is that of 1970's Mike Mentzer. I care nothing about looking like the next Mr. Olympia, nor am I going to put my body through all of the drugs and bullshit it takes to even try. Of course...
So for anyone that cares. I came off everything completely for about 7-8 weeks or so. I dropped quite a bit of weight. From 205ish down to 190 currently at 6'2". Finally said F this and got back to 250mg test e weekly. My diet has basically been garbage as of late. So I'm stepping it back up...
Ok I am a couple months into my cycle and I have changed it up and tweaked it some already, here is what it currently looks like.
Test E 250mg x 6 (mon - sat)
Test P 100mg x 6 (mon - sat)
Deca 250mg x 3 (mon, wed, fri)
EQ 200mg x 3 (tue, thurs, sat)
75mg dbol ED
4ius nordictropin (5 on 2 off)...