
  1. D

    Opinions on bloodwork

    Just got some labs drawn. I’m currently on 200mgs of test per week. Prior to that I was taking test and 300mg tren for 16 weeks. Could the tren still be affecting my high levels of dht? It w tren hex. I’m planning on starting arimidex this week as well to help control my e2. Should I also start...
  2. R2D2

    what are you guys doing....

    once the gyms open back up? i'm thinking test-400 with some EQ. Try and pack on some dry mass and do a long cycle. or should i do a quick hitter with some shorter esters first? decisions, decsions....
  3. krustus

    optimum dose of aromasin for 300mg a week of test

    300mg a week would have to have some estrogen build up... probably no gyno or others issues for most... but to keep estro in the optimal range ... how much would you guess as a good starting point for aromasin.
  4. F.I.S.T.

    Primobolan Depot and all its glory

    Primobolan Depot and all its glory September 17, 2013 By John Doe Primobolan depot, those two words almost give me an orgasm every time I hear them. There are a lot of mixed reviews on primo, most from newbies or guys who don’t realize the true benefits of primo. But take it from...
  5. MuscleAddiction

    Whatcha running/cruising now?

    So figured we would see who is running what here on EG currently...I am currently 8 weeks into a cruise of the following... 300mg EW of AY Test D 300mg 150mg of AY Deca 300mg 50mg AY Proviron 25mg 100mg Aventia TNE (2x EW on leg/chest days) 1mg E3D AY Adex I am gearing up to my next blast that...
  6. Kuntrykok

    Mast E Highest Concentration

    Hey bros, does anyone know what is the highest concentration of Mast E that will hold? I have only seen it as high as 250 mg/ml, just wondering if there was a reason that you don't see it above that. Thanks in advance.