
  1. 4everstrong

    Current Cycle.

    1-15 Test E 400mgs (Then back to 150mg-200mg Cruise) 1-12 Tren E 400mgs 1-15 Deca 400mgs Felt Strong as hell in the gym today! Bench And Incline DB press Went up about 15 pounds.. But im only on week 2 of this cycle??? The first week I was taking Tren A 400mgs. Then got tired of pinning EOD so...
  2. 4everstrong

    Decided to add deca with my Tren/Test E cycle.

    Today i decided to add deca to my cycle. Yes i know the risks. I have caber on hand incase lactin happens. Have always wanted to try 2 19nors at once to see what its like. Test E 1-16- 400mgs Tren E 1-12 400mgs Deca 1-16 400mgs