
  1. GoPro

    Sarm question

    so I have no experience with SARMS at all. But I was looking at a couple and wanted to try them stacked with a cycle of injectable AAS’s and an oral AAS. But the ones I looked at and wanted to give a try work on the Androgen receptors. So my question is......since they work on and bind to the...
  2. Iron-Game

    Slim fit peptide blend

    BIOSYNERGY SLIM FIT® UNIQUE PEPTIDE BLEND CONCEPT Lifetech Labs has combined the 2 most effective peptides HGH FRAG 176-191 + Modified GRF (1-29) to create the most dynamic peptide blend for fat loss. PEPTIDE 1 – HGH FRAG 176-191 HGH Fragment [176-191] (also known as HGH Frag) is a modified...
  3. stonetag

    AAS User

    I posted this on one other forum, but I believe I could target a few more bro's and seasoned guys in the know (not saying that those bro's aren't) on this great forum to try and deal with this issue that always swirls around in my head, Here goes. I started using AAS around 1988 and up until...
  4. flyingfox

    AAS and slin without GH?

    Would like to get opinions on this as there seems to be advantages to using GH with slin, I would like to get input from you guys with actual experience on the matter. FF
  5. J


    I shared this on the other board, but I think its important for everyone to know the dangers high amounts of AAS has on the pituitary gland and cortex. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cF4ZTcuhixc
  6. F

    aas and sex

    Is it possible for someone using aas to ejaculate into a woman and affect her chemistry?