
  1. EG News

    These 7 Overhead Press Variations Will Push Your Power Through the Roof

    The best measure of absolute pressing strength is not the bench press (please don’t tell the powerlifters) but the overhead press. Although the bench press is pretty standard among lifters, the same cannot be said for the overhead press or the many overhead press accessory exercises. Why? You...
  2. EG News

    5 Trainers Share Their Favorite Squat Accessory Exercises

    Back squats may the king of all leg exercises, but front squats and deadlifts are certainly legday royalty as well. To improve your front and back squat you need to do it more and intelligently program squat accessory exercises to strengthen all parts of the movement and improve technique...
  3. EG News

    3 Ways Your Accessory Training Can Better Suit Your Fitness Goals

    For a lot of gymgoers, one of the most important and necessary goals is getting stronger. Many take their first step toward achieving this objective by wrapping their hands around a barbell and lifting heavy weight — around or above 85% of your one-rep max — for low reps, and higher. Oftentimes...
  4. EG News

    5 Trainers Share Their Best Accessory Moves for a Stronger Deadlift

    To get better at the deadlift, you need to deadlift more because sometimes it pays to state the obvious. But lifting hard and heavy all the time in a bilateral stance is tough on the body and also weak points like lockout strength and strength imbalances between sides can creep up on you. That’s...
  5. EG News

    These 8 Accessory Exercises Should Be Included in Your Training Program Now

    No matter if you’re looking to set a new PR, run a faster 5K time, or to get ready for football season, gaining strength through accessory exercises is a vital component to improving performance. Hitting the weights, will not only help you gain strength, it also helps both build muscle and shed...