
  1. 01dragonslayer

    Acne Solutions

    Without Accutane Why without Accutane? Accutane has been connected not only to the short term side effects that we all know of (stomach discomfort, dry skin/eyes/lips, liver effects, joint pain) but also to severe, potentially permanent side effects such as: joint pain, Crohn's Disease...
  2. rboy101

    Acne issue

    Hey fellas. So I’ve been on and off of test for 12-14 years or so and never had an issue but the last year, every time I start running Sust I keep getting decent sized red cyst like pimples on my face . Only liek 1 or two at a time but after two weeks and they finally are going away, I get one...
  3. halfnatty

    How effective is accutane

    How effective is Accutane I been breaking out bad on my head and face from I would think the tren I’m up north so this cold weather is drying me out and From what I will read tried makes you way more oily and I could get infections to make you break out more, have never taking Accutane before...
  4. Bighekt

    Acne and accutane

    I've been suffering from acne even before starting my first cycle. But recently it got worst. Now I'm looking in to having that clean skin while on anything. So here are my questions. Just want to see if any of the vets on here have used accutane. If so was it on or off cycle? What were the...
  5. I


    I have read so many mixed reviews on taking accutane, I'm starting to experience acne on my shoulders, I hate the way it looks and I was thinking about getting myself some EGH accutane. I did some research and found that it can cause depression or even suicidal thoughts? Sometimes I heard it...
  6. ElChango


    Anyone know what a way to combat it. Bought a scrub, and taking vitamin B5, some of it has been drying out but still got it. I stopped taking my multi because it has biotin in it.
  7. V

    Accutane risks and effects???

    I'm really considering using accutane. But I've heard many say it's dangerous and it's even banned in the U.S. Can someone give me personal experiences, and any education y'all can give me to help me make this decision. Thanks guys!!
  8. 4everstrong

    Any one ever notice this?

    I have never seen 1 pimple on a bodybuilder??? How do they manage that? Im guessing they take acne meds with their cycles?
  9. Akhusker

    Isotretinion dosage?

    So I picked up some Iso from the Chem depot and don't know how much I am suppose to take. I remember JDB3 posting a log on BOP about his experience with it but don't remember the dosage he was running and what not. It's 25mg per mL but I was thinking to take half a mL per day. Does anyone have...
  10. V

    Acne control

    Hey bros, So I've started to break out pretty bad on my shoulders and back. I've never broke out like I am now. I shower after workouts and after work. I use some 2% salicyclic acid pads, clearasil, and some astringent. Not working. I dropped my test from 1gram to 750mg and deca from 500 to...