
  1. 01dragonslayer

    Resolve to Embrace

    Given its that classic time of year when the New Year’s fitness resolvers start to dwindle away from gyms across the United States, I felt compelled to provide some insight into why most of those people don’t make it past the month of February with their aspirations (and what you can do to avoid...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    9 Tips To Help You Reach Your Diet And Exercise Goals

    It happens before every summer, and every new year: people will make resolutions to lose weight, eat right, and get healthy. Unfortunately, up to 88% of people fall through on their goals in record time. So how can we make our personal goals stick, and avoid the usual pitfalls? Here are a few...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    9 Tips To Help You Reach Your Diet And Exercise Goals

    It happens before every summer, and every new year: people will make resolutions to lose weight, eat right, and get healthy. Unfortunately, up to 88% of people fall through on their goals in record time. So how can we make our personal goals stick, and avoid the usual pitfalls? Here are a few...
  4. 01dragonslayer

    3 Surprising Reasons Why You Need to Rediscover Slow Growth

    3 Surprising Reasons Why You Need to Rediscover Slow Growth written by JAMES CLEAR SELF-IMPROVEMENT STRENGTH TRAINING We all have goals that we’d like to reach. And, if we had the choice, we would prefer to reach them sooner rather than later. There’s nothing wrong with achieving a goal quickly...
  5. EG News

    See it, achieve it

    I’ve always known deep down inside that I wanted to be different, wanted to be successful, wanted to be famous for what I did and make a positive impact on the world. Where did this desire come from? My humble upbringing in an Austrian village during the post-WWII period? Being the second child...
  6. MuscleAddiction

    Staying on ones path...

    I won't lie...I seen this article on another forum and just felt it is meant to be spread if you haven't already read it somewhere else...was a very good read at a time in my life that I need a little positive thinking and motivation... STAYING ON ONES PATH. Trevor L Smith...