
  1. Dago

    Anavar first time use

    A little over a week in on octane var and sust just kinda playing with it started at 50mg day now im doimg 100mg per day. Im tightening up already getting harder but thats what i expected. I feel good
  2. Titan88

    Oily skin help..

    Is there any over the counter creme or anything to help clear up skin from using superdrol? I always get bad acne from when I use superdrol. It's annoying as fuck
  3. S


    I will start by saying, I am running nothing an havent for quite a while. I have extremely oily skin lately, and im breaking out with obnoxious acne on my head, face, some areas like chest and back. head is most oily and I get pretty big bumps that are deep. No idea what it could be?