I had some issues when I used dbol in the past. My water weight went up and I was fluffy. What are the odds Anadrol will work better for me? I have abs now and don’t wanna lose em.
Any insight would be awesome
I read through some of you guys posts cycles mgs of gear used etc...we all respond different to gear. Friend of mine right now using 50mg dbol 100mg adrol 1000mg test. I have never used that much gear not even close. I know age and other things can make a difference in how we all respond. I got...
Typically I'm running low test high tren (keeps my water weight and bloating down and I can still bulk pretty heavy) Typically I also add in 50-100mg adrol/day.
100mg Test P/Week
100mg Tren A/Day
100mg Adrol/Day
Thinking of keeping my liquids the same, but switching to anavar or...
Was looking for a profile of this compound maybe I over looked it. Active life have life best time to lift after dosing when it peaks etc...I've read up on it before just wanna hear what u guys say. I've always had good luck with dosing orals round the clock on a timed schedule. Like my tbol...