
  1. 01dragonslayer

    Age Against The Machine

    An unexamined life can cause as much damage as a poor diet and lack of exercise. So you’ve been reading and training hard for years now, and both your training and nutrition are dialed in. Members of the opposite sex are taking notice as your age-group peers slip into indolence and mediocrity...
  2. EG News

    Exploring Cellular Aging: RESTORIN’s Approach to Longevity

    From the fabled Fountain of Youth to modern cosmetic procedures, humanity’s quest for youth and longevity is as old as time. Nowadays, though, this pursuit has taken a decidedly scientific turn. As our understanding of biology expands, the focus of anti-aging efforts has shifted from the...
  3. EG News

    Peptides For Anti-Aging and Longevity | Ultimate Guide

    With an aging population, there has been a definite uptick in interest in anti-aging peptides. While they cannot perform miracles, therapeutic peptides may address some of the factors contributing to premature cellular aging. Breakthroughs in peptide research could lead to more products on the...
  4. 01dragonslayer

    3 Ways to Turn Back the Clock on Aging

    Since the dawn of time, people have seen aging as an irreversible aspect of life. Fleetful youth and inevitable aging have always been an accepted aspect of our existence. The philosophy of life has always been to age gracefully. Age represents wisdom and experience. But aging also can mean...
  5. 01dragonslayer

    What is Sermorelin?

    Sermorelin, sometimes called GRF 1-29, is a growth hormone releasing hormone analogue. It is a 29-amino acid polypeptide representing the 1-29 fragment from endogenous human growth hormone releasing hormone, and is thought to be the shortest fully functional fragment of GHRH. It is used as a...
  6. 01dragonslayer

    AAS misinformation campaign.

    There is a multitude of good information on AAS. I won't and can't cover it all here. Here's a real short version: Not the DEA, AMA, NJEM, ACS, AHA, US Army...not one organization...recommended that AAS be controlled. In fact, they all recommended that the remain over the counter, or "legend"...
  7. 01dragonslayer

    Is Growth Hormone Truly a Fountain of Youth?

    Is Growth Hormone Truly a Fountain of Youth? Ever since the landmark 1990 trial performed by Rudman et al [1] claimed that GH reversed decades of age-related changes in otherwise healthy elderly males, this single-chain polypeptide has gained a lot of buzz in anti-aging circles as a panacea of...
  8. EG News

    Can Aging Be Cured? Chris Hemsworth Wants to Find Out

    Masatoshi Okauchi/Shutterstock Aging and the many side effects that come along with it—such as wrinkles, decreased mobility, and fragile bones—are as inevitable as taxes. Or are they? (We’re talking about aging here—you still have to pay your taxes.) That’s the question asked by Limitless, an...
  9. Iron-Game

    Anti-aging - the performance way

    RECOVERY FOR GENERAL WELLBEING BIOSYNERGY ANTI-AGING UNIQUE PEPTIDE BLEND CONCEPT Lifetech Labs has combined the 2 most effective peptides Ipamorelin + Modified GRF (1-29) to create the most powerful peptide blend for anti-aging. PEPTIDE 1 – IPAMORELIN Ipamorelin is a growth hormone...
  10. F.I.S.T.

    Intermittent Fasting Decreases Testosterone

    Intermittent Fasting Decreases Testosterone Intermittent Fasting Decreases Testosterone Intermittent Fasting is quite popular on the Peak Testosterone Forum and for good reason: it is a powerful anti-aging tool and, perhaps more importantly to most adherents, a great way to lose weight. The...
  11. G

    Anti-Aging clinic raided and two tablet presses found during Australian steroid crackdown.

    Anti-Aging clinic raided and two tablet presses found during Australian steroid crackdown. Source: Anti-Aging clinic raided and two tablet presses found during Australian steroid crackdown.