
  1. 01dragonslayer

    Knowing VS Doing

    Charles Staley, Strength Training, 0 In order to experience further progress, do you need to know more, or do you need to make better use of what you already know? Don’t answer yet, just absorb that question…just let that question penetrate your brain for a moment… Incidentally, I grew up in the...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    5 Tips For Getting Out of a Weight-Loss Plateau

    No matter how hard you’ve been working to lose weight, it’s common to hit a plateau or lose motivation. When this happens, first, remember not to beat yourself up. You’ve likely come a long way already and now it’s time to take a step back and refocus. Here, five tips to help you restart your...
  3. GRIM

    So been struggling BAD

    Lack of sleep, ZERO energy or strength, injury after injury. Still been soldiering on, today I damn near think I might be turning a corner. Repped 315 no spot, for a gimp isn't bad, strength def kicking in, second session 12 45 pound plates on the incline machine max it takes I still had...
  4. OB.One

    Need opinions!!

    So I have just about every test out there what test should I be running with trenese and what else the stack with it superdrol dbol anadrol any help at this point would be good and obviously a PCT if needed I already posted in another. You got a few feedbacks which I really appreciated in...
  5. EG News

    This Supplement May Repair Your Reproductive System

    Yurchanka Siarhei It seems as if almost everything we encounter causes fertility damage these days, from the sugary foods we eat to the phones we carry in our pocket. One of the biggest culprits is bisphenol A, commonly referred to as BPA, a synesthetic compound used in plastic water bottles...
  6. H8potion

    Tricep surgery

    So about 6 weeks ago, while doing floor presses, I felt a sharp pain and a pop on my left elbow. Had an MRI a few days later. Ortho found that my tricep tendon is torn at the insertion more than 80%. It’s been 6 weeks and the elbow still hurts whenever I try to extend my arm with force or push...
  7. EG News

    Phil heath says "it ain't over" as he returns to the gym

    Courtest Instagram/theliftfactory Phil Heath is already back in the gym, just days after placing second to Shawn Rhoden at the 2018 Mr. Olympia. In a video on his wife’s Instagram page, a sweat-drenched Heath gave a shoutout to The Lift Factory in Las Vegas on Monday, where he stopped for a...
  8. F.I.S.T.

    Trump Jobs Boom: IBM to Hire 2,000 Vets After Meeting with Prez

    Trump Jobs Boom: IBM to Hire 2,000 Vets After Meeting with Prez by Warner Todd Huston The Trump jobs boom continues, with computer giant IBM announcing that it is set to hire 2,000 veterans of the U.S. Military after a meeting with President Donald J. Trump. IBM CEO Ginni Rometty, who serves...
  9. F.I.S.T.

    Companies begin planting microchips under employees' skin

    Companies begin planting microchips under employees' skin Monday, March 09, 2015 by: Daniel Barker (NaturalNews) The technology has been around for some years now, but the use of RFID (radio-frequency identification) chips and other beneath-the-skin implants has only recently become more...
  10. F.I.S.T.

    Lane County, Oregon Tries to Kick Out Monsanto with GM Ban

    Lane County, Oregon Tries to Kick Out Monsanto with GM Ban by Christina Sarich Posted on November 3, 2015 Following other Oregon counties. ackson County, Oregon was already successful in banning genetically modified foods (known as GMOs) even though Big Ag tried to fight the democratic vote...
  11. Spartacus LTD

    This what i ask

    I know im new here. I am happy to be here! I was one for a day and now accusations have destroyed my tiny rep i started to gain. I know as everyone says im new no reviews, IM trying to do that.. Im offering free shit to get reviews. What scammer does that? Yes my prices are low, But to get...
  12. D

    Pct for a long cycle

    What would be recommended? I cycled quite a bit longer than planned, about 6-7 months on test, sust and tren and I need to come off now, what would be the best protocol? Thanks!