
  1. 01dragonslayer

    Ancillaries / Related

    Compounds in this section are sometimes used to support AAS use in general. They cover a wide range of uses, and, as with most AAAS use, these are typically used for purposes which are off label. Therefore, information and actual studies are hard to obtain. Compound Type Notes Accutane...
  2. TSizemore

    Letrozole vs. Anastrozole (Arimidex) Comparison Study

    Here is a study I ran across pitting Letro Vs. Arimidex. Interesting results. Arimidex vs. Femara for increasing testosterone in men (HRT) June 5, 2012 By William Llewellyn Testosterone medications like AndroGel, Axiron, Testim, and Fortesta are the products most widely prescribed to treat...