
  1. D

    On a drug test, Are all steroids equal?

    So I have a script for Androgel. I might be getting a job that tests for all kinds of drugs. Im wondering if say I'm on cycle and get tested, are certain drugs shown specifically? For example, If I'm running Test, tren and EQ, and It shows on the drug test that I'm on gear, Can I just blame...
  2. D

    Crashed my test levels last cycle.

    So i went to the doctor complaining about some issues I thought was prostate related (slow urine flow stop and go urine, pelvic pain) he gave me some blood tests, and my test levels came back very low, and now he wants to put me on androgel. Im only 25 lol. Ive had my levels checked in the past...

    Androgel (Transdermal Testosterone)

    Androgel is the first testosterone gel approved by the FDA for hormone replacement therapy in men suffering from conditions involving low testosterone. Low testosterone, also known as hypogonadism, affects approximately four to five million American men. The condition is linked with diminished...