
  1. 01dragonslayer

    Antibiotic Brief

    Here is a basic antibiotic list.... You probably need some antibiotics! Here is some basic info on how they work, which work best or are most common and what kind of doses might be employed. You wouldn’t do a test only cycle without Nolva, right? Of course not, you’d be asking for gyno. Don’t...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    Your Gut Health Impacts Your Mental Health—Here’s How To Strengthen Both

    by Gabrielle Kassel, CF-L1 “Stress poops”, “nervous butterflies”, and “anxiety burps” have long clued people into the possibility that the gut and brain are intertwined. In recent years, though, research on this relationship has proved that the gut-brain connection isn’t just anecdotal, but...
  3. Thor


    Does anyone know of a vendor or someone that sells antibiotics like augmentin, need it for my canine.
  4. 01dragonslayer

    Commonly used antibiotics may lead to heart problems

    Source: University of British Columbia Summary: Scientists have shown for the first time a link between two types of heart problems and one of the most commonly prescribed classes of antibiotics. Scientists have shown for the first time a link between two types of heart problems and one of the...
  5. GRIM

    Fish Antibiotics

    Where you shop? Im looking for some...
  6. GRIM

    Steroid acne

    Read the link as copy paste was shaky at best Steroid Acne: Causes and Treatment acne is an inflammation of the oil glands in your skin and hair roots. The technical name is acne vulgaris, but it’s often just called pimples, spots, or zits. A bacterium (Propionibacterium acnes) combined with...
  7. Heavyduty

    Bad rip mix

    Bro I came on a sponsor on another board some of you guys may be on..who just added rip mix 300 for 50$ a bottle so I grabbed a cpl ...omg .both my Delts and my left leg are useless ..I have a bad fever and am throwing up ...js..if u see ripmix for 50$ don't buy it g ...this sucks ass
  8. Daredevil

    Swelling, thoughts.

    Guys I pinned some test prop 1ml in my quad. Had serious pip. 3 days later I got redness in the area where I pinned, which is slightly warm to the touch, swelling with some fluid build up in my knee and it hurts. The pain isn't as bad as the first few days but swelling is noticeable. But I have...
  9. F.I.S.T.

    British Report Stresses the Need to Reduce Antibiotics in Livestock

    British Report Stresses the Need to Reduce Antibiotics in Livestock by Julie Fidler Posted on December 8, 2015 A new British report commissioned by David Cameron says the use of antibiotics in agriculture is fueling the spread of drug-resistant bacteria and must be reduced or even banned...
  10. F.I.S.T.

    Antibiotics Fed to Livestock are Putting Kids’ Lives in Danger

    Antibiotics Fed to Livestock are Putting Kids’ Lives in Danger by Julie Fidler Posted on November 18, 2015 80% of antibiotic use in the U.S. is in livestock The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has issued a technical report warning that doctors’ ability to treat life-threatening...
  11. F.I.S.T.

    Continued antibiotic overuse could cause superbug epidemic

    Continued antibiotic overuse could cause superbug epidemic that threatens humanity's existence Sunday, November 15, 2015 by: Daniel Barker (NaturalNews) For seven decades now, we've been using antibiotics to successfully fight bacterial infections, but standard antibiotic treatments are now...
  12. F.I.S.T.

    California 1st State to Pass Bill Banning Indiscriminate Antibiotic Use in Lives

    California 1st State to Pass Bill Banning Indiscriminate Antibiotic Use in Livestock by Julie Fidler Posted on October 12, 2015 A practice contributing to massive superbugs. California has become the first state in the nation to ban the use of antibiotics in livestock for any other reasons...
  13. F.I.S.T.

    Bursitis - Treatment

    Bursitis - Treatment Treating bursitis Most cases of bursitis can be treated at home with self-care techniques and over-the-counter painkillers. The pain usually improves within a few weeks, but the swelling may take longer to completely disappear. Exactly how long it takes to recover may...
  14. F.I.S.T.

    How Antibiotics Disrupt Intestinal Flora

    How Antibiotics Disrupt Intestinal Flora by Dr. Edward Group | | September 27, 2015 70% of your immune response takes place in your digestive tract. The Harvard Medical School reports antibiotic side effects last for 42 days after the last dose. [1] You’re probably familiar...
  15. F.I.S.T.

    150 Food Co's,Restaurants, Hospitals,and Drug Companies to Phase out Antibiotics

    150 Food Co's,Restaurants, Hospitals,and Drug Companies to Phase out Antibiotics by Christina Sarich Posted on June 18, 2015 An essential move to protect our collective future Three-hundred and fifty federal government cafeterias will enjoy ‘low-antibiotic’ food starting at the beginning of...
  16. F.I.S.T.

    Modern life depletes your gut microbes in a number of different ways

    Modern life depletes your gut microbes in a number of different ways Dr. Mercola Wed, 06 May 2015 Your intestinal microflora—aka your microbiome—is an integral part of your immune system, and over the past several years, research has revealed that microbes of all kinds—bacteria...
  17. F.I.S.T.

    Nation’s Largest Chicken Producer to Stop Using Human Antibiotics

    Nation’s Largest Chicken Producer to Stop Using Human Antibiotics by Anthony Gucciardi Posted on April 29, 2015 Top McDonald's supplier drops mega antibiotics. It’s been a wild past few weeks when it comes to corporations caving to the demands of informed consumers and activists. From...
  18. F.I.S.T.

    Glyphosate implicated in antibiotic resistance

    Glyphosate implicated in antibiotic resistance Heather Callaghan Activist Post Mon, 06 Apr 2015 The overuse of antibiotics, 80 percent of which are foisted on factory farm animals, is a part of modern day antibiotic resistance. That is, an environment that allows surviving bacteria to mount a...
  19. F.I.S.T.

    Louise Slaughter: Congress' only Microbiologist is trying to regulate the drugs

    Louise Slaughter: Congress' only Microbiologist is trying to regulate the drugs Willy Blackmore Fri, 27 Mar 2015 Since 1999, U.S. Rep. Louise Slaughter has been either a sponsor or a cosponsor of the Preservation of Antibiotics for Medical Treatment Act. On Tuesday, the New York...
  20. tbonexl


    Anybody got any? Leg is swelling and can't fucking walk! Don't feel like spending $150 to get bitched at by the doc. I will though...