
  1. S

    Has anyone tried Follistatin

    Has anyone tried Follistatin yet? Anyone know dosing or anything about it all? Sounds pretty cool
  2. G

    Does anyone really know

    Since most here seem to be long time players does anyone know what’s up with all these boards getting shut down? Some say it’s the Feds and some say it’s a hacker. Anyone got the real scoop?
  3. EG Anonymous Poster

    Platinum direct remailer compromised

    Sources state that platinum Direct remailer has been busted and compromised. Does anyone have any info on this and what state he was in or working out of? Looking out for all of us.
  4. Daredevil

    HGH gut?

    Has anyone known anyone to get the HGH gut from taking HGH and if so what dosages were they taking for how long? Lately that's what I've found interesting and whether HGH alone causes that or if it's the HGH/insulin combo that causes it. Any thoughts?

    Question about a LAB

    It's definitely not for me because I don't steer away from my home EG. I don't get gear for anyone other than one of my best friends but guy from work is talking about getting an order from D- labs has anybody ever heard of them I believe I have heard of them but I don't know much about...
  6. dirtyjoe8605

    Ipchina old tabs. Need help figuring out that they are

    Hey fellas I got some round solid white tabs. They have ip on both sides. I got them back nnsay 2012 before ipchina got busted. If anyone used use ip an might be able tell me what these tabs are. They look like 10mg I can up load a picture if people would like. I have some of ip clomid it's blue...
  7. S

    Coach because I'm lazy?

    Anyone ever use a coach to get leaner. This coach would set up a tailored diet with meal plans. They might also tweak your workouts along with cardio. If anyone has used one, what does the average monthly coach cost?
  8. F.I.S.T.


    DECLARATION OF BEING STRAIGHT I'd like to officially declare that I eat pussy!!!! My entire life I have only been with women and have enjoyed fucking,sucking and fingering every hole of their bodies as often as possible!! I also have to declare that I have never,NOR will I ever been attracted...
  9. halfnatty

    anyone have extra test cyp they would sale?

    getting some money soon but not enough for a min order, so if anyone has any please let me know. Ps I do not like test e I don't care what anyone says my body does not like it or do I feel the same as I am on test cyp.
  10. DaKajun

    falling oil prices

    Not sure how much this is affecting anyone else on EG but I'm at the verge of shutting the doors on my shop. If the price of oil don't rise to at least $60/barrel pretty soon everything I've worked for the last 10 years or so will be for nothing. I'm looking to loose everything. The is...
  11. Akhusker

    While on a HUGE cycle.....

    I supposedly got my wife pregnant. I was 14 weeks into 400mg Test E, 300mg Deca, 200mg Tren E, 300mg EQ E3D plus Tren base/TNE pre workout and winstrol. She swears up and down that she only has been sleeping with me. We did have a problem with her cheating when we first got married (I know, I...
  12. ajdonutz

    Intra workout amino, anyone?

    I recently picked up some RSP Nutrition ReGen. Its basically an amino acid profile. 1 scoop seems to be enough of each item to be sufficient for intra workout so long as whey follows workout. Has anyone looked at this stuff? Take a look at the profile on bodybuilding and tell me what ya think...
  13. flyingfox

    Anyone else have people bugging them for PEDs

    One of the younger guys in my company has been persistently asking me to "hook him up" and his buddies too. Rule # 1 for me, don't tell and don't sell. He wants me to get him Anavar and said him and his bros wanna get big. I just laugh and change the subject, bottom line is I don't need him or...
  14. Z

    Anyone else have emotional issues on test alone?

    I only ran tren twice(probably 10 years ago now) bcuz it really screwed my head up, but never really noticed a problem on test. But I'm on trt 500mg/week for about 14 weeks now, and this past month has been an emotional rollercoaster. A couple of highs, but mostly lows. I'm taking 25mg...
  15. dowork

    Progesterone Anyone??

    So my wife is preg with second and since first was premature this second pregnancy is at risk as well. To combat the pre labor, they prescribed her progesterone shots - that I have to give her. Having the nurse train me to do it was laughable. I've probably performed more injections than...