
  1. 01dragonslayer

    What is your honest opinion on LGBT pride month?

    To be honest, I think pride month is ridiculous and I’m not a fan. I don’t have anything against gay people or anything like that, if you’re gay then....whatever.....just don't taunt me because I'm not and cry like a baby because you don't get things that some others do. Go do your thing and...
  2. EG News

    ASK ANDY: ‘How can I get leaner in the next 10 days?’

    Even though I’m no longer living in Los Angeles, I still help out some friends in the entertainment industry when they have questions about health and wellness. An actor friend called earlier this week and was excited that he’s going back to work — his new TV show is starting production again...
  3. Thor

    Mental drain causing physical drain

    To me this does deal with my overall health even though I am not actually sick. Today my chihuahua of 13 years passed away from congestive heart failure, well I had to call it actually. Like loosing a child, fucking hurts bad and you wonder could anything else have been done. He has been...
  4. Welcome Bro

    Welcome, icongear

    Hi IconGear, Welcome to Enhance Genetics.
  5. A

    aromasin for 16 years old

    is there anything wrong with 16 year old male taking aromasin to slim down a bit? Anyone read any research about teenagers taking aromasin? and before anyone complains about this being anonymous, i didn't want to get flamed, bcuz it's probably a stupid question.
  6. Daredevil

    Steroids and Surgery

    Has anyone heard that if your using Steroids and on cycle and have a surgery where Anesthesia is required you could have a stroke or some side effects?
  7. pulooooooo


    I came off using gear about five months, the only thing i finished was hg. Im thinking of taking at least a full year from now, to see how I do without using anything. training better, eating more correct, but not eating 100% clean. Has anyone came off and how hard has it been. Im starting the...
  8. morrey


    Anyone here cruise on other compounds besides test? Also how long of a break can you take from gear before you start losing strength, size, and confidence (lol)? Havent pinned anything in 26 days because i was having estrogen problems and didnt have any AIs. I was thinking about cruising on EQ...
  9. ajdonutz

    Mountainside medical question

    Have any of you ever had to sign for the pack for bac water from them? I don't remember having to last time but its been a while. My pack tracking says "attempted delivery but no one there to sign". So its sitting at the post office. Anyone?
  10. krustus

    tne... hmmm i don't know

    ok ..i've done 2 doses of TNE... first one i shot in my thigh with a slin pin and didn't go deep enough and it hurts pretty good 2 days later... the next i did with mt regular needles and it's much better, but still a little sore. is this the norm for TNE? is my bod not liking the guiacol...
  11. J

    Lets talk B12

    Ok, this is a subject I know little about. Yes, I can just do google search for info, but I'd rather get info from actual ppl that have used it. Now i have used the GNC 5000 zip melt pink tabs. Never really noticed anything. Lets talk about what to expect from running B12. Tabs VS inject. Doses...
  12. D

    Prostate issues

    Hey guys, i been having issue lately, but im only fucking 25 yrs old! I dont know if this is normal. I always feel like i got to piss, get up alot at night to piss and sometimes have the urge, but when i get to the toilet it takes forever to start up, kinda bugging me out, anyone have this and...
  13. jbryand101b

    Ask jbry about ph/ds thread..

    Decided to create this thread in hopes of it cleaning up the profiles thread. I have a lot of experience with designer steroids, & pro hormones, it's what got me into this online thing, and what makes me money, as a number of companies have sought my info of personal experience combined with...
  14. B

    Allergic to prop ester?

    I was on prop for about 7 weeks and I used 2 different UGs. The first one had EO and I started getting something like hives. I would feel itchy and if I scratched it my skin would get raised, even itchier, red welts/lines from my nail or anything scratching. So I thought it may be a reaction to...