
  1. 01dragonslayer

    The Problem With Periodization

    “Hey Charles, I’m training a Muay Thai fighter, he has had 18 fights. Wants to fight in about 18 weeks. I was planning to do some periodization for him. Was thinking EDT for the first 6 weeks: Core routine from Muscle Logic: Dumbbell Snatches Left/Right side, Squats/ Pullups, Dumbell Turkish...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    How will you approach your off-season?

    If you are seriously involved with weight training, bodybuilding, or any athletic endeavor involving muscle mass and strength, then you surely have pondered the question “How do I gain the most size in the least amount of time”? Well, there are a few different approaches that are widely used by...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    The Gym Is War: Prepare Your Mental Game

    Cogito Ergo Sum: I think therefore I am. These words of wisdom were originally dropped by the philosopher René Descartes at the turn of the 17th century. And through the ages, they have stood the test of time as a to-the-point representation of the power of the human mind. Though Descartes...
  4. 01dragonslayer

    The Gym Is War: Prepare Your Mental Game

    Cogito Ergo Sum: I think therefore I am. These words of wisdom were originally dropped by the philosopher René Descartes at the turn of the 17th century. And through the ages, they have stood the test of time as a to-the-point representation of the power of the human mind. Though Descartes...
  5. 01dragonslayer

    Bodybuilding Is Strict. Here’s The World’s Most Sensible Approach To Bodybuilding

    When it comes to training and diet you’re going to find the best formula for long-term success is the one that you can stick to! There are plenty of diets and routines out there, but not all of them are for everybody. The diet and training plan have a direct relationship with one another...
  6. dowork

    What's Your Approach to Designing Cycles?

    Are you a lower dose, 1-3 compound user? Or are you more of a higher dose kitchen sink type? What about the concept of low test cycles? I think my approach over the past 8 years of use has been pretty basic/simple. Usually blast on 2 oils and 1 oral, then cruise. Lately I have been...
  7. E

    OSU researchers develop new approach to treat eczema

    OSU researchers develop new approach to treat eczema Pharmaceutical researchers at Oregon State University have developed a new approach to treat eczema and other inflammatory skin disorders that would use individual tests and advanced science to create personalized treatments based on each...