
  1. 01dragonslayer

    The Top Five Pre-Workout Ingredients (and Why Caffeine Doesn’t Make the Cut)

    Pre-workout supplements are so commonplace nowadays; every supplement company has their own run-of-the-mill, stimulant-loaded product claiming to help you get the most out of your training. Sadly, most of those products fall well short of their expectations, mainly because the formulas are...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    Everything You Need to Know about Nitric Oxide Supplements

    Nitric Oxide supplements have found their way into mainstream fitness media. Read this to learn what they are, how they work, & if you should take them! Until you have achieved “the pump” you haven’t fully lived. If you have never walked out of the gym with your biceps feeling like they are...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    Priming the Machine: The Importance of Pre-workout Nutrition

    Serious lifters need massive amounts of energy and focus to fuel their intensive workouts. Pre-workout nutrition and supplementation achieve these objectives in the most efficient manner possible. However, the pre-workout period is also a time to promote muscle growth. To experience the kind...
  4. 01dragonslayer

    Everything You Need to Know about Nitric Oxide Supplements

    Until you have achieved “the pump” you haven’t fully lived. If you have never walked out of the gym with your biceps feeling like they are going to explode, your whole life has been a lie. I’m only half kidding here. Well, actually I am not kidding at all; the pump is the best. In fact, there...
  5. halfnatty

    okay bros any of you got good tipes to lower cholesterol let me know

    I already know less red meat more oats will help and fish oil and cardio I am a smoker need to quit asap it's just Damn hard so let me know thanks EG brothas
  6. F.I.S.T.

    Study: erection supplement with L-arginine and pycnogenol works (slightly)

    Study: erection supplement with L-arginine and pycnogenol works (slightly) Men with mild erection problems, who wouldn't necessarily consider taking Viagra or Cialis, now have a non-pharmacological alternative available. Supplements containing the amino...
  7. cmeliftheavy

    Benefits of L-Arginine

    L-arginine is a naturally occurring alpha-amino acid, which is 'conditionally non essential' or semi essential.Arginine performs a number of important functions including ridding the body of waste, production of creatinine and the production of nitric oxide, a blood vessel relaxant. The Benefits...