
  1. GRIM

    Finger joint arthritis

    Believe my ring finger the knuckle i thought was jammed. Well its been a month or 2, it's better but still definitely not right. Trying to shrug even 225 I simply can't hold onto the bar as that finger wont let me. Its really not effecting anything other than shrugs, rows, Im able to manage and...
  2. Inhuman2024

    Hip Question

    Ive been noticing alot of pain in my right hip. What intrigues me is that 2 of my friends have the same problem and both are long time AAS users like myself. Does antone know of any correlation of hip degeneration in steroid users?
  3. halfnatty

    Is their anything that helps with arthritis

    I ended up getting arthritis in my right hand from the military and my back :(
  4. Wacker

    AC Joint Arthritis WTF

    Fuck me getting old sucks! Towards the end of Oct I started getting severe pain around my AC joint, my delt would start having spasm's and pain would shoot up my neck and down my arm. I went to ortho doc second week in Nov and he said its very common in guys that lift, apparently the joint is...
  5. F.I.S.T.

    Joint pain, from the gut

    Joint pain, from the gut David Kohn The Atlantic Mon, 12 Jan 2015 Scientists don't know what causes rheumatoid arthritis, but many suspect that the microbiome—the bacteria that live in our gastrointestinal tracts—may be to blame. Doctors aren't entirely sure what triggers rheumatoid...