
  1. 01dragonslayer

    Is Sucralose Bad For You? [The Facts abut Splenda]

    It’s well-known that eating too much sugar can increase the risk of obesity, type-2 diabetes, and other health conditions. But does replacing sugar in foods and beverages with artificial sweeteners like Splenda make them any better for you? So if you’re wondering, “Is sucralose bad for you?”...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    The Not-So Scary Truth About Sweeteners

    NO, THEY DON'T CAUSE BRAIN CANCER Artificial sweeteners tend to make people skittish. It's understandable because you sure don't have to search too hard to find internet accounts of sweetener-caused brain cancers, epileptic seizures, or paradoxically, obesity. Here's the thing, though. Those...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    Artificial Sweeteners: Are They Useful For Weight Loss?

    For decades now, artificial sweeteners have been used in food products (particularly “lite” and “diet” foods) as a means of cutting sugar intake without losing the sweet taste it provides. For better or for worse, mainstream media and certain nutritional zealots have really given artificial...
  4. 01dragonslayer

    Are No-Calorie Sweeteners Bad For Weight Loss?

    While sugar substitutes (like stevia, Splenda, Equal and Sweet’N Low) may seem like an enticing way to save calories, there’s still a great deal of confusion and a lack of consensus about their purported health benefits. No-calorie sweeteners are typically hundreds of times sweeter than regular...
  5. 01dragonslayer

    Should You Choose Sugar or Splenda?

    Entering a coffee shop these days can be complicated — there’s at least four different kinds of milk to choose from, varying brews, hot or iced and just when you think all of your decisions are made, a plethora of sweetening methods. The latest on which artificial or natural sweetener is...
  6. krustus

    artificial sweeteners and gas

    i have found crystal light causes me really bad gas.. not sure what sweetener or ingredient in there causes it? but what do you find is the best artificial sweetener to use in recipes etc.. that is less likely to cause gas? i have been using stevia (just started trying it) so far it seems to...