
  1. F.I.S.T.

    A Green Apple/Tomato A Day Keeps Muscle Atrophy Away

    A Green Apple/Tomato A Day Keeps Muscle Atrophy Away Published 10 Sep, 2015 A chemical found in green tomatoes and the peel of green apples may put degrading processes in elderly people’s muscles on hold, a recent study shows. It takes around two months for the new diet to take effect. The...
  2. Augustwest

    HCG on cycle?

    what is the maximum amount of weeks you would use HCG on cycle to prevent atrophy. I got a 12 week run coming up but have heard in a few places 8 weeks max. Im planning 1 500iu shot per week. with the last 3 weeks of cycle switching to HMG at 2 75iu shots per week. so techincally 9 weeks on...


    SomatoKine or IGF-1-BP3 is being developed by Insmed (formerly Celtrix Pharmaceuticals). SomatoKine is a recombinant fusion of insulin growth factor-1 (IGF-1) complexed to its major binding protein BP-3,which mimics the biological effects of IGF-1. SomatoKine acts as an insulin sensitizer and as...