
  1. S

    Solid gratitude

    I just want to give props to some good brothers here. I got shafted on my auction winnings and these guys took it as a personal account to help me out. Juiced Venom: This guy took his time to play middle man in efforts to find a resolution with said vendor. I appreciate all of your help...
  2. halfnatty

    what happen to ischus having issues

    This was before he was kicked off but before I go into details what happen to them on here
  3. Akhusker

    Ideas for auction

    So the auction I posted up hasn't gotten any bids and I'm trying to help out the board so if you guys want to give me a list of stuff to put up that people will bid on I'll change my auction to make it more bid able, I pretty much have everything you can think of, so let me know!!
  4. Dago

    Idk how you guys feel about this

    I have a gym bag full of gear that I wouldn't have if not for being on this board I've hustled up trading stuff around to you guys. I don't have a lot of cash but I can donate some of this stuff if the rest of you guys have a jug or 2 of whatever to throw in with it we can auction it off or...
  5. Amozoc

    Ischus lab now gone and scamm me

    Ischus Rep made and aucion last month of $400.00 dls store credit and i won the auction sent the money to Grim and he told me cobtact vendor soni did and Ischus Rep told me , Ischus got it . So until now no order and nothing .Ischus Rep said he gave the order practically said its not his problem...
  6. V

    EPIC Winnings

    I received my auction winnings from the Epic auction hosted by EX-bop guys. Thanks to Two very solid bros jm750 and smoove for organizing and all. Received winnings in record freaking time [attachment deleted by admin]
  7. Torres

    Chemical Muscle Auction Wininngs !!!

    Hey Freaks here's a look at my auctions winnings from Chemical. Looks real good, clear and a good start for my winter bulk cycle. Have something real interesting that I'm gonna be doin for the upcoming explosion !!! :P Good looks Chemical !!! [attachment deleted by admin]
  8. O

    airsealed2 is going to have a board auction

    We are going to be doing an auction with proceeds going to the board. I will have the details up this afternoon