
  1. 01dragonslayer

    Effort-Based Hypertrophy Training

    Effort vs. Volume vs. Load: Part 1 What's the best way to train for size gains? Effort, load, or volume-based training? Here's what you need to know. What works better for hypertrophy? High-volume training or low-volume/high-effort (intensity) training? What about “powerbuilding?” In short...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    Volume-Based Hypertrophy Training

    Effort vs. Volume vs. Load: What's the best way to build muscle? Effort, load, or volume-based training? Here's what you need to know. Note: I examined effort-based hypertrophy training 610 in Part 1 of this series. In the next installment, we’ll look at load-based training. But first, let’s dig...
  3. EG News

    Are Plant-Based Meat Alternatives Healthier?

    It’s no secret that plant-based foods contain a number of heart-healthy benefits like vitamins and antioxidants, but while animal products are often thought to clog us up with high cholesterol, a new study has shown that simply switching up your burger to a veggie option may be a waste of time...
  4. EG News

    New Year, New You: Unlock Your Potential with These Five Precision Nutrition Strategies

    It’s time for a new year, which means it’s time for a new batch of health-focused resolutions. Wait, though: Before you protest that resolutions never work out, you should know that they sometimes do. And according to one academic study, the secret to getting more mileage out of your resolutions...
  5. 01dragonslayer

    10 Evidence-Based Training Tips to Upgrade Your Workouts

    Written by Michael Matthews EVIDENCE BASED BUILDING MUSCLE FacebookPinterestTwitterEmail Behold! Not one, not two, but a camel-load of only the finest, evidence-based training tips this side of Damascus. Don’t do behind-the-neck pulldowns. They’re more likely to irritate your shoulders, and...
  6. EG News

    5 Things You Need to Know about Plant-Based Milks

    Walk through any dairy aisle in 2023 and you’ll be overwhelmed by the boundless choices of milk. Sure, you’ve got your standard dairy options: skim, 1%, 2% and whole milk. But in recent years, plant-based options have become omnipresent, to the point where you can now find cartons of milk made...
  7. 01dragonslayer

    How to Use RPE, RIR, and Percentages In Your Training

    How hard should you train? It is a question that is debated a lot in fitness circles. On the one hand, you have an old-school bodybuilding approach of training instinctively or simply pushing everything to failure. Workouts like this leave little need for quantifying how challenging a set...
  8. 01dragonslayer

    Is Plant-Based Protein Just As Effective As Whey Protein?

    by Kelsey Butler When it comes to protein, we tend to think of animal products like meat, dairy, and eggs as the best of the best, but a recent study suggests that plant-based protein sources deserve more credit than they usually get. Published in the Journal of the International Society of...
  9. 01dragonslayer

    The 4 Biggest Mistakes People Make When Going Plant-Based

    by Emily Abbate, C.P.T. With stars like Venus Williams and Jason Mraz singing its praises and research consistently confirming its health benefits, plant-based eating is definitely in the spotlight right now. One recent Massachusetts General Hospital study even associated high-plant-protein...
  10. 01dragonslayer

    Ask These 6 Questions Before Buying A Protein Powder

    by Perri O. Blumberg Though some people used to think protein powders were just for bodybuilders, these convenient supplements can be helpful for anyone who wants to up their protein intake—including vegans, pregnant women, and anyone who exercises a lot. While no replacement for whole-food...
  11. 01dragonslayer

    What’s The Best Plant-Based Milk For You?

    by Isadora Baum Plant-based milks are a great option for anyone choosing to avoid dairy milk. When it comes to nutrition, though, some are better than others. Keep this handy guide on-hand when considering which milk alternative to use in your cereal, smoothies, and morning coffee. 1. Soy Milk...
  12. EG News

    Try this 10-Minute Floor and Wall-Based Workout from Grace Albin

    As a gymnast and high school cheerleader, Grace Albin fell in love with choreography and working out in a group setting. These days, she is able to share that passion with her fitness clients and more than 330,000 Instagram followers. Albin shows that in order to blast your whole body, you can...
  13. 01dragonslayer

    Dietitians Answer The Top 5 Questions About Plant-Based Diets

    by Jenn Sinrich Whether it’s to go entirely meat-free or transition to eating mostly plants, more and more Americans are sidelining a meat-heavy diet. In fact, a recent survey by YouGov found that some 32 percent of Americans are planning to consume more vegan foods in 2022. There are all sorts...
  14. 01dragonslayer

    How To Maximize Muscle Gains On A Plant-Based Diet

    by Gabrielle Kassel, CF-L1 There are many reasons to prioritize plants in your diet. To name a few: Evidence suggests that plant-based diets may promote immune health, reduce inflammation, support digestive health, and reduce your risk of diseases like diabetes. And, contrary to rumors, you can...
  15. 01dragonslayer

    Determining Protein Quality

    Protein quality is typically defined as a protein’s capacity to supply all essential amino acids (EAAs) to an individual. There is a total of 9 EAAs which cannot be produced by the body and can only be obtained through eating whole food sources or supplementation. As a whole, research has shown...
  16. 01dragonslayer

    Thinking of Going Plant-Based? Read This First.

    What Exactly Is A Plant-Based Diet? Depending on who you ask you might get a different answer. To some, a plant-based diet means you are only eating vegetarian or vegan foods; however, a plant-based diet is actually different from a vegan or vegetarian diet. Instead, most of your meals will...
  17. EG News

    Melvin Anthony Explains His Choice to Follow a Plant-Based Diet

    “Marvelous” Melvin Anthony was one of the most popular bodybuilders in the 2000’s because of his ability to entertain the crowds with his posing routines. He had an impressive physique as well – one that earned him three pro victories and seven trips to the Mr. Olympia stage. He made his last...
  18. 01dragonslayer

    The Physique Considerations Turning Vegan

    By Adam Bisek Now that Arnold joined in on the vegan hysteria, bringing the Netflix plant-based documentary tally up another notch, I think we can safely say we have our next dietary fad in full swing. I don’t want to spend two-thousand words qualifying myself and my statements so I will do so...
  19. EG News

    Asha Hadley and Breana Wigley Speak About the Benefits of Plant-Based Diets

    Nutrition is just as important to bodybuilding as training is, if not more so. A popular topic of discussion in fitness circles is which diet would be best for competitors. Some argue that traditional methods are best, while others are advocates for plant-based diets. IFBB Bikini Pro Breana...
  20. 01dragonslayer

    Contrast Training For More Strength And Power

    As a strength coach who works with high level athletes and an educator who trains the trainers - I'm always being asked what I think is the biggest mistake trainers, athletes and exercise enthusiasts make in the gym. My answer is always "most don't train the CNS". You see - there are actually...