
  1. EG News

    Here’s Why Battle Ropes Deserve a Place in Your Workout Program

    Nowadays you don’t have to visit a CrossFit gym to see battle rope exercises in use. What used to be reserved for specific fitness niches and professional athletes is now utilized in home gyms, outdoor workouts, and boot camps. The simplicity of battle rope exercises are what makes them a...
  2. EG News

    These 5 Battle Rope Moves Will Boost Your Conditioning

    Have you ever walked into a gym and seen a battle rope curled up in the corner and wonder why it is and what are some battle rope exercises you can do? First, it’s another tool in the toolbox when it comes to your conditioning. Second, it is not there to tie you in knots. Ropes were used way...
  3. EG News

    From Iraq to the NFL: Veteran Daniel Rodriguez’s Amazing Story

    Lily Ro Photography Just weeks after graduating from high school, Daniel Rodriguez enlisted in the army. Before he even had a chance to let his decision sink in, he was headed to Iraq for his first tour of duty. Rodriguez, who had been playing sports since he was in diapers—“I could throw a...
  4. EG News

    Tom hopper talks 'umbrella academy,' hardcore workouts, and diet discipline

    [Unable to locally host - Direct Link 4 Security]: Edgar Artiga / M+F Magazine On the new Netflix series The...
  5. EG News

    The battle-rope finisher for muscular endurance

    Per Bernal WHEN TO DO IT Give this battle rope finisher a go at the end of your weight training to prevent fatigue beforehand. WHY DO IT For one, you’ll be a hell of a lot more conditioned—in terms of general cardio and in your arms and shoulders—by working with battle ropes. Also, the...
  6. MattyIce

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