
  1. S

    Has anyone tried Follistatin

    Has anyone tried Follistatin yet? Anyone know dosing or anything about it all? Sounds pretty cool
  2. 01dragonslayer

    7 Nutrition Myths RDs No Longer Believe

    It can be hard to change long-standing beliefs about anything, and that’s definitely true when it comes to fitness and nutrition. For example, some still believe lifting weights will cause women to “bulk up” and eating fat makes you fat. But times change, and so does the science, which helps us...
  3. The Tone

    When gym's reopen? .

    What changes if any will you be making when you return to the gym? Will you be taking your gym bag? Will U be showering at the gym? Using other amenities like steam room and sauna?
  4. A

    EQ half life and front loading

    what is the halflife of eq? To run 250/wk, should it be front loaded like test cyp, say 2 cc the first week and then 1 cc per week? trying to avoid sides, like head ache, bp, etc., which ive heard can be really bad and take a while to go away, if you do too much eq. great results from just...
  5. D

    Curious what the board has to say

    What are your thoughts on morality? Let's see where this goes lmao Morality - principles concerning the distinction between right and wrong or good and bad behavior. Do you believe there is such a thing? how can you say something is wrong? Who are you to say that is wrong or right?
  6. Hanzo

    Big Bang anyone?

    By Eric Metaxas, WSJ In 1966 Time magazine ran a cover story asking: Is God Dead? Many have accepted the cultural narrative that he’s obsolete—that as science progresses, there is less need for a “God” to explain the universe. Yet it turns out that the rumors of God’s death were premature. More...
  7. Dago

    death penalty for child molestors

    I fully support this. Wont puttem in GP here in ky they get protective custody cells. They should atleast be onthe yard if not death row with the convicts. Sick if seeing this shit on the news. [attachment deleted by admin]
  8. tkasch30

    do you believe in frontloads or not?

    some people do it, some say it doesnt work. ive done it with test c and tren e and theres no doubt in my mind it worked. i think short esters for a kick start works better of course but i think front loading does work. your thoughts?
  9. flyingfox


    Have any of you homebrewers tried brewing with MCT as the carrier? I was thinking of getting some for my next batch but I would like to know if there any drawbacks.
  10. dowork

    Boston Bombers

    It's a fact that the overwhelming majority of gun owners are peaceful law abiding citizens. Yet because of the isolated actions of a few, that have caused mass death and terror, we have deemed it plausible to restrict the constitutional rights of all gun owners in the interest of public safety...