
  1. 01dragonslayer

    Big Arms: What to Know, How to Grow

    Everyone wants big guns. You do, I do, and heck…even my mother occasionally strikes a double biceps pose, and flashes her 65 year old pythons. In this article, I am going to break down two aspects of the race for bigger arms: What to know. I will provide you with vital information on just how...
  2. Thor


    Just my opinion, they need to come up with new names as the true giant killer was Danny Padilla, this man was ahead of the game in my eyes being a short man, lol. Shaun needs more thickness and size to play with the bigger boys IMHO. We know bbing can be and is a game of illusion at times...lean...
  3. EG News

    How to Get Bigger Arms With 7 Strategies

    A big, strong upper body has always been the baseline for bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts. From a wide chest to a pair of round shoulders, these muscle groups set the stage for your physique. Sure, abs are always a popular muscle to build up — but how often are you walking around with your...
  4. EG News

    Why Bodybuilders Are So Much Bigger Today

    Bodybuilding is about building aesthetic muscle, so bigger physiques have always been admired so long as they conformed to certain aesthetic standards. But as the late Larry Scott, the first Mr. Olympia, once pointed out, back in his era the majority of bodybuilding competitors did not have the...
  5. EG News

    Why Bigger Is Not Always Better in Bodybuilding

    Amateur bodybuilding competition is conducted using weight divisions for same reason sports like boxing, wrestling and weight lifting are: Body size is an important factor. And bigger competitors usually have an advantage over smaller competitors, all else being equal. While competing as...
  6. EG News

    Joe weider movie "bigger" closing in on release announcement

    When we first learned the story of Joe Weider was headed to the big screen, we knew it had all the makings of a blockbuster. With a star studded cast and a highly respected director in place, BIGGER wrapped up shooting last November and quickly entered its post-production stage. The movie has...
  7. T

    Better to look more than you weigh or weigh more than you look?

    I get asked a lot how much I weigh. I'm about 5'9 and 175 lbs. People guess anywhere from 185 to as high as 205. I was wondering is it better to look more than you weigh or weigh more than you look? My arms and shoulders are my best body parts and are unusually big for my size. I've always...
  8. O

    winny inject wont draw up?

    water based from performance enhancing pharmaceuticals it wont draw up into syringye any ideas guys???
  9. F

    Clem while bulking?

    Is it ok to use clembuterol while im in a bulking cycle? Im in my first cycle of test e 300 &deca 300 Just about at 4th week seein cool gains but wanna lose fat