
  1. M

    Somedin (igf1-lr3) vs increlex (bio-identical igf1)

    One of the biggest myths in the BB community is the Increlex - it is a FDA approved treatment for Dwarfism which contains bio-identical IGF1, or in other words the IGF1 which our body secretes. This is quite scarce product, and extremely expensive. Few (if any..) members here have used it, and...
  2. W

    SOMEDIN (IGF1-lr3) vs INCRELEX (prescribed IGF1)

    I've been asked more then several time whether the Somedin we produce is the same as Increlex. Increlex contains IGF1 that is identical to the human exogenous IGF1 , while we offer the Somedin (IGF1-lr3) which is identical to the patented IGF1-lr3 by Repligen Swiss. The LR3 stands for an...
  3. T

    My thoughts and ramblings on MENT (trestolone acetate)

    So I've been experimenting with MENT for the last few months. There's not much information on this board about it so I thought I'd post my thoughts and what I've found. I'm not an authority on it or any AAS, this is just my opinion. Schering has conducted extensive research into use for MENT...
  4. F.I.S.T.

    Natural Ways To Increase Testosterone Bioavailability In Athletes - Part I

    Natural Ways To Increase Testosterone Bioavailability In Athletes - Part I By Ivan Nikolov Being a natural athlete I’ve always sought to find more ways to increase testosterone levels naturally. The question I’ve always asked myself was what are the variables, which determine how much...