
  1. 01dragonslayer

    How to Stop Binge Eating: The 7 Steps You Need to Follow

    This is What We Call ‘Binge Eating’ At some point in your life, you find yourself shoving enormous amounts of food down your throat: But there’s a problem: binge eating makes us come up with excuses for our behaviors: It can also lead to binge eating disorder: And if you reach that point...
  2. 01dragonslayer


    How many of these sound like you? At least once a week... I eat a very large amount of food, to the point of feeling discomfort. It's like I can't stop once I start. I inhale this food quickly. Sometimes I take another bite before I'm finished chewing the previous mouthful. I often feel...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    Binge Eating – Causes and How To Overcome It

    The cause of binge eating and how to get past it. What is binge eating? Binge eating is defined as the consumption of an unusually large amount of food in a short period accompanied by a sense of loss of control. An eating disorder can lead to obesity, depression, hypertension, and many other...
  4. A

    Bad mental health

    Hey guys, just lookin to see if anyone suffers from this and still runs steroids. Its gotten so bad im going to physcologists and physciatrists to be put on meds. Ive been diagnosed with a.d.d., depression and anxiety. However im thinking I have bi polar more than depression. My moods are a...