
  1. 01dragonslayer

    What Is "Biohacking": Defining an Ill-Defined Movement

    "Biohacking" remains a broad and colloquial term as its definition varies from one self-professed "biohacker" to the next. For some, biohacking is used to describe things as simple as following a low-carb diet to maximize weight loss; to others, biohacking refers to cyborg-esque augmentation...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    What Men Want: The Biology of Beauty Standards

    WHAT MEN WANT & THE BENEFIT OF BEAUTY STANDARDS Ladies, you know what features you find attractive among men, but do you know what men want in a romantic partner? The idea of "beauty standards" is appalling to most modern women, but knowing them may be important if you want to make a memorable...
  3. E

    Researchers reveal that mosquitoes? sexual biology may key to malaria transmission

    Researchers reveal that mosquitoes? sexual biology may key to malaria transmission Sexual biology may be the key to uncovering why Anopheles mosquitoes are unique in their ability to transmit malaria to humans, according to researchers at Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health and...