
  1. EG News

    A Male Birth Control Injection May Soon Be Approved for Public Use

    Only_NewPhoto What if you could prevent pregnancies for up to 13 years, but you had to get an injection in your penis? Would you do it? Indian doctors seem to think so, as the Indian Council of Medical Research has successfully completed a clinical trial of an injectable male birth control...
  2. E

    Steroid treatment linked to increased risk of retinopathy in very low birth weight infants

    Steroid treatment linked to increased risk of retinopathy in very low birth weight infants Because of the beneficial effect of corticosteroids on lung function, especially in infants who are ventilator dependent, corticosteroids are, at times, administered to very low birth weight neonates to...
  3. F.I.S.T.

    As Effective as the Pill

    As Effective as the Pill Posted on: Tuesday, September 29th 2015 Written By: Holly Grigg-Spall Advanced tech draws on 30 years of research to create a natural rival to hormonal contraceptives. With evidence mounting of the adverse effects of the birth control pill and hormonal...