
  1. 01dragonslayer

    What A Day Of 80/20 Eating Actually Looks Like

    by Lauren Del Turco, CPT We all strive to eat a balanced diet—but figuring out what that ‘balance’ actually looks like? Not so simple. That’s where the ‘80/20 rule’ comes in. The popular eating philosophy brings some much-needed structure to healthy eating, which can so often be hard enough to...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    9 Do’s And Don’ts For Fueling Endurance Training

    by Jenn Sinrich Any endurance athlete knows that nailing your hydration and nutrition is key to performing well—but figuring out your fueling strategy can be one of the trickiest parts of training. Without enough fluids or calories, you’ll hit the wall just a few miles into a long run...