If you're going to use anabolic steroids—or any type of performance enhancing compounds—it's important to run bloodwork at least three to four times per year. It's like getting your pool water checked to make sure there is the right amount of chemicals for it to stay clear and problem free, or...
Started doing about 275 test e/275 test prop a week, and 30mg dbol a day. Recently started going limp. It comes back but takes a long time. Fucking sucks. Im running about 1.5mg adex per wk. one friend who is a personal trainer and very big told me drop the prop, run enan at 500 a wk and drop...
can u run gear 4ever?
any of u bros know of any old guys on juice? and how long they been running gear?
is there a point where gear just doesn't work any longer?
Well to start off, I got lazy in the clean diet department this cycle. I wasn't taking my fish oil regularly and started stopping at Dunkin doughnuts for a sausage wake up wrap and hashbrowns every morning. That was just the start. Then a 20 pc. wendys crispy nuggets and value fries...
Alright broskis, got bloodwork done yesterday. Give me your feedback please. Currently running:
Chem muscle test cyp: 750mg weekly
MLG deca: 500mg weekly
Chem muscle adex: .5mg daily
Also use milk thistle, vitamin c, multi vitamin and b-12 daily
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Just got result to blood work last week all is good except cholesterol is at 219 went from 190 up to that. This means I am good to go and get back on my Tren Ace for another 12 week run HELL YEAH. Guess I am going to have to up my fish oil some more also.
Getting ready to order some bloodwork, i came across this coupon in case any of you are getting ready to do the same...www.anycodes.com/merchant-Private-MD-Labs-coupons-deals-17475.html
Being getting TRT since May and I get my Bloodwork done every 3 months...my last lab results showed that my free range test was 540 and my bound was between 90 and 100...I wanted to start using tren ace and wanted to know how if at all would this affect my test levels on my next panel