
  1. 01dragonslayer

    Hypertrophy Booster Shots Inject Some New Growth Into Your Workout!

    Your Program + Two Boosters = New Muscle Mass! This article isn't going to overwhelm you with neuroscience or obscure language. Nope, it's going to be bare-bones simple. As I've learned over the years, elementary advice is usually what helps people most, and it tends to work best. With that in...
  2. T

    First time on in a while. What happened to Muscle Booster?

    Hey guys. Been a minute since I've been on the boards. Had an injury that kept me out of the gym for about 12 months. But I'm finally back. I got on and sae muscle booster is no longer a sponsor here. Something happen to him? Sorry if this is in the wrong section!
  3. Paulrockr

    Freakin GNC

    So I go to gnc last night looking for a replacement for my carnivor. This little skinny ass kid is gonna try and tell me what I need to take..... lol I was like dude let me shop... ha I go to check out and he give me some free bees of pre wo drink mix and alittle pack of pills Without looking I...