Most of us will know this experience well. Despite eating a satisfying meal and feeling full, the temptation of a sugary dessert is just too great to resist. But how is it that we can find room for a sugary treat even when we already feel full? Science has the answer.
Those who simplify their...
The Science of Psychobiotics
Your mental well-being relies on your gut-brain axis. Here's how to keep that two-lane highway to happiness functioning perfectly.
Check out this list of mental health conditions:
Stress-induced issues
Cognitive decline
All of these, their...
Fish Oil vs. Feeling Anxious
It's hard not to get anxious these days. However, excessive anxiety can be caused by a basic nutritional deficiency. Let's at least fix that part.
Feeling anxious? Worried about the future? Stressed? Good! That means you’re a fully functioning human being. Without...
Omega-3 Deficiency
This common nutritional deficiency makes you tired, sad, and anxious. Left unchecked, it can lead to severe cognitive impairment. Let's prevent that.
Way, way back in human history, one of your ancestors did something that changed the future: he moved to the coast and...
The most feared disease in the world is dementia. It’s even more hated than heart disease.
Strangely, though, the topic of preventing conditions like Alzheimer’s rarely comes up in conversation, even among medical professionals. As always, predestination and “genetics” are to blame.
But it...
Alzheimer’s disease is a cruel ailment that gradually takes our memory, language, and sense of self, but new research is showing how regular exercise can serve as a preventative tool, minimizing many of its markers.
Alzheimer’s main biological features are the presence of amyloid protein...
A Dietary Happy Hack
Eating certain foods helps prevent depressive symptoms and rotten moods. Here's the new science.
"The most important decision you make is to be in a good mood." That quote is attributed to the French writer Voltaire. Smart guy, but I think he missed something: your mood...
What Body Type Do Men Find Attractive?
Are beauty standards just arbitrary rules the patriarchy created to oppress women? Or are they based on science? Here's what men want.
Ladies, you know what features you find attractive among men, but do you know what men want in a romantic partner? The...
Sad or Tired? Creatine Seems to Help
You know what it does for you in the gym. Now science is finding startling new uses for creatine monohydrate.
The creatine pioneers among us who started tinkering around with the stuff 30 years ago never imagined that it would eventually reach the status of a...
Fish Oil vs. Feeling Anxious
It's hard not to get anxious these days. However, excessive anxiety can be caused by a basic nutritional deficiency. Let's at least fix that part.
Feeling anxious? Worried about the future? Stressed? Good! That means you’re a fully functioning human being. Without...
A Doctor's Guide
Tired? Getting fat? Having issues in the bedroom? Here's everything a man needs to know about hormones, drugs, supplements, and his willy.
Dave is a lifter. He’s healthier than the average Westerner and he does most things right when it comes to training and diet. Sure, he...
With age comes wisdom and experience... but also some memory loss and cognitive decline. Research on this topic usually focuses on those 65 or older, but some signs of age-related decline appear earlier. Symptoms can become apparent anywhere from age 35-65 and for some as early as their 20s...
We all know sugar is bad for your gut, but it’s not doing your brain any favors either. Information recently published in the Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism indicates that processed fructose (but not the natural stuff found in fruit), affects biological processes in the brain...
How many times that we hear someone just had a stroke, someone survived a traumatic brain injury (TBI), or someone just started to experience dementia due to Alzheimer’s disease? Very frequently, right?
Now let me put statistics in front of you. According to the American Heart Association...
Positive thinking sounds useful on the surface. (Most of us would prefer to be positive rather than negative.) But, “positive thinking” is also a soft and fluffy term that is easy to dismiss. In the real world, it rarely carries the same weight as words like “work ethic” or “persistence.”
Please note, this article is not intended to replace a consultation with a medical professional. All medical concerns need to be addressed by a licensed medical expert.
You go to the gym multiple times a week. Your time there is well spent. You wear the results of your hard work on your body...
Concussions and mild Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBIs) are common and often underdiagnosed medical issues within the United States. These injuries, typically caused by a blow to the head, can result in both immediate and long-term symptoms such as cognitive impairment, emotional...
The expression “food for thought” is quite a literal one if you really think about it. The nutrients in food are used to synthesize countless biomolecules that help your brain and body function properly. As such, nutrition should be a priority for protecting against cognitive decline, memory...
Adderall is one of the most common prescriptions globally. It is a mixture of amphetamine isomers (dextroamphetamine and levoamphetamine) used for treating attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and other health conditions like narcolepsy.
While Adderall is suggested to be effective at...
The expression “food for thought” is quite a literal one if you really think about it. The nutrients in food are used to synthesize countless biomolecules that help your brain and body function properly. As such, nutrition should be a priority for protecting against cognitive decline, memory...