
  1. 01dragonslayer

    Introduction to exercise metabolism

    Human locomotion, and anything as far as maintaining vital bodily processes is only possible through the use of energy. Most often, this energy comes in the form of ATP. This is the most important equation to consider in exercise bioenergetics: ATP---> ADP + PI + H+ + energy The above equation...
  2. EG News

    Could "keto crotch" be the keto diet's weirdest side effect?

    [Unable to locally host - Direct Link 4 Security]: Lepro / Getty If you’ve heard of the trendy...
  3. T-bar

    Lower Back Pain

    I've had lower back pain issues for years because of disc damage. I can not put any weight on my shoulders without ending up flat on my back in serious pain for at least 2 weeks. That being said... the pain I've been subjected to the last few days does not feel like it's disc pain. It's...
  4. J

    LOL (Guy at work today)

    So one of the guys at work today tells me to "Take a breath" LOL. If you know what that means in the BB world. In other words, I'm holding in me breath and trying to expand out my body to look jacked! hahaha I must be getting bigger. The funny thing is, I'm on a new awesome bulk diet, and I'm...
  5. Torres

    Breathe Right !!!

    LT I found this for u bro !!! [attachment deleted by admin]