
  1. 01dragonslayer

    How to Stay on Track with Your Fitness While on A Business Trip or Vacation

    By: Matt Weik Whether you travel for business (or just for fun as a getaway) very seldom or quite frequently, those days away from home and your norm are enough to throw off your fitness goals. You may even find that the number on the scale has gone up when you return home from a business trip...
  2. EG News

    How Kamal Elgargni Made His Bodybuilding Career a Booming Business

    One goal of every bodybuilder is to be able to parlay the training into business success. It isn’t only about paying the bills this month. Long-term financial freedom as to be considered as well. Great examples of champions who mastered the business world include Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jay...
  3. GRIM

    My 2 cent rant!

    Please don't make this political as im gonna try my best to control those. I will be ripping on politicians in this rant however BOTH sides. Covid19 is serious is more than the flu BUT the reaction was knee jerk killing economy. Now why was this? I wont get super detailed but much of it...
  4. Chicken_hawk

    Self employed or in the fitness industry? this could change your life!

    Ok, so for those who don't know I just opened up a gym and because I am me, I didn't do it the way everyone told me. I didn't have much of a business plan besides let's put people first. We did all kinds of things differently including charging more. I didn't know why but it felt right. Ideas...
  5. Paulrockr

    WTF wildwings

    I dont reckon ill be eating there anymore
  6. TSizemore

    On the Move.............

    Well guys, I guess some of you may have noticed I've been a little sporadic lately. Turns out, I've been busier then a sardine in a shark tank trying to get things handled, started, finished, and lined up. I've been offered a job in central NC and decided to take it. Gonna move my son, daughter...
  7. F.I.S.T.

    Organic, Non-GMO Fast Food Drive-Thrus? It Isn’t a Dream. It’s Happening

    Organic, Non-GMO Fast Food Drive-Thrus? It Isn’t a Dream. It’s Happening by Christina Sarich Posted on June 5, 2015 A testament to the change we're igntiing. While McDonald’s stock sinks faster than a ten-ton truck as the fast food giant loses loads of cash, organic food brand Amy’s has just...
  8. RockShawn

    Resurgence Out of Business

    From a reliable source close to this guy, Resurgence has been busted. Stay clear and stay safe.
  9. Walker

    Thinking about a career change

    I guess since turning 40 my way of thinking has changed. My current job is in the mechanical end of construction. I've been a project manager for the last 10 years and same company for 18 yrs. The pay is good and affords me and my family to live comfortably, but I have zero passion for what I...