
  1. 01dragonslayer

    4 Tests Every Lifter Should Be Able to Pass

    Got Relative Strength? Find Out Right Now. You should be able to pass these tests before you hit the bench, squat, do direct arm work, or add more ab exercises. Can you? 1. 25 Goblet Squats with 50% Bodyweight Before you graduate to barbell squats, you should be able to goblet squat to parallel...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    Do you want to be a freak?

    Really? Want the girls dropping thier jaw when you walk in the room? Want the guys saying WTF when they see you? Want her down on her knees in front of you telling you how hot your abs look before she takes you in her mouth? Really? Yeah, most guys do but they don't want to work for it. Face...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    Rules for over 40 training

    Sooner or later...we all face it. Your joints are a little achier than those of your younger bro's and your reflexes aren't as spectacular, but you've still got most of your game. Now tell me, should you, as an aging athlete who wants to continue to compete at a high level, or an even higher...
  4. Chicken_hawk

    What would you be willing to pay for an old school gym?

    Warning rant. Anyway, most people who will be members at my gym are cool with all I'm doing, but I have a few friends who go to the gym who shall I say aren't as dedicated even if they think they are. First they tell me they are only paying $30 bucks and I'm like hell, I go to the same gym and...
  5. Chicken_hawk

    Need help with my gym's rules

    Hey guys, I am opening a new gym in the next few months. It will be 4k SF with the basics, dbs up to 150s, 3 racks, comp bench, hammer strength, jungle, bumpers and a few other items serious athletes would recognize. Basically, a place for people who don't like the commercial gym scene. My goal...
  6. millenium girl


    I'm really tired right now. I fall asleep around 4pm, wake up, eat something, go to bed around 8:30pm but wake up around 2 or 3am (bad nightmares). I toss and turn, take half a sleeping pill or do cardio .... What a mess. I keep working out 5 times a week ....
  7. Dago

    Whats going on here ?

    Why can't I access the sources ? It logs me out says I can't get in ? i have no problems on the board with anyone I'm aware of ? I do owe an apology to someone for missing his pm way late I checked couple times for a response then got busy and was not on for about 2 weeks. Still I owe nobody...
  8. F.I.S.T.

    Legless Parrot

    Legless Parrot Joke submitted by: Manoj A guy is browsing in a pet shop and sees a parrot sitting on a little perch. It doesn't have any feet or legs. The guy says aloud, "I wonder what happened to this parrot?" The parrot replies, "I was born this way. I'm a defective parrot." "WOW!" the...
  9. 49ER

    Need more advice from juiced up bodybuilders /preferably on Tren

    Ok so you guys know my problem with my daughter well there is alot more problems. Ever since I moved with my chick everything has changed, I mean she's good to me as far as cooking cleaning taking care of me. She also has a stubborn side that only sees things her way and her 5 kids are...
  10. J

    OMFG… Can't cum now!!

    Ok, so most of you that have been following my personal life shit that I have shared with you know that I ended up going to a psychologist because I was severely depressed and anxiety because of the kids. Well, he put me on Zoloft. That was about almost 1 month ago. So for a good 3 weeks now, I...
  11. tbonexl

    Girl trouble

    I've been with this girl for a couple years. It was kinda crazy how fast things went. We work together kinda. She drives truck for the construction outfit I work for. We kinda fell for eachothers right off the get. She was engaged at the time so I didn't push it. She ended up breaking it off...
  12. S

    Dear tren..

    Fuck you for keeping me up.. Thanks for making me feel like I can't breathe when I lay down.. Once again fuck u tren :) lol
  13. RockShawn


    About a month ago I ordered a 1/3 of a grass fed calf. Well it arrived today. Sad thing is since I'm still too fat for a show in 6 weeks, I won't be getting any of it for a little while. Maybe if I beg...a lot! [attachment deleted by admin]
  14. S

    give this a read maybe you will enjoy it and get motivated from it like i did

    Something thats always stuck in my head. I thought i would share it with my new family. "Want to be a freak? You're in luck. I'm drunk and going to tell you but let's face it. You don't really want this do you? Want to be a FREAK? Really? Want the girls dropping thier jaw when you walk in...
  15. V

    Blonde jokes

    From ff the top of my head I can thnk of a few... Why did the blonde die in the helicopter crash? >>Because She got cold an turned the fan off.. Why did the blonde die at he pool? >>A kid put a scratch n'sniff sticker at he bottom.. I'm so lame...