
  1. 01dragonslayer

    How to Increase Work Capacity and Bust Through Plateaus

    Work capacity is the most important factor in training that people know nothing about. First, let me just start off with a working definition of work capacity and an explanation of why it’s so important. Work capacity is, essentially, the total amount of work you can perform, recover from, and...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    Brewer's yeast boosts endurance capacity

    Brewer's yeast boosts endurance capacity The DNA and RNA in the cells of all living organisms are made up of nucleotides like the ones above. Genetic material is shaped like a spiral staircase, and when two nucleotides are attached to each other they form a step. The cells read the DNA by...
  3. EG News

    Study Shows Possible Reversal of Physical Decline in Old Age.

    The elusive fountain of youth may be closer to us than we’ve realized, according to science. A new study out of the University of Southern California claims that physical decline among older adults may be reversible after finding a powerful hormone in humans that is expressed during exercise...