
  1. Torres

    Raws !!!

    I have in my possession Raws of Dbol, Nolvadex, and Proviron , but don't know what to do with them. I was thinking about a trade but then I was thinking of just taking and using it , maybe like alittle at a time , like the Dbol and Proviron , but not sure how to break it up to use it . Any ideas ???
  2. S

    Need some brains for my Dbol caps

    Ok, I made Viagra 50mg caps a few years ago and don't remember it being this complicated as far as the math goes. I got the capsule machine and "00" caps from med lab supply. Works great and simple to use. I remember loading my filler, tamping, loading again till full then dumping the filler...
  3. Kuntrykok

    Thinking of capping some orals

    Looking for any info of what types of caps to buy, type of scale needed, type of filler recommended and inexpensive capping machine? Will be making Aromasin, nolvadex, winny, and provirion. I looked through the forums but didn't see anything so I thought some of you home brewers may be able...