
  1. 01dragonslayer

    Unpopular Opinion: You Don’t Need Chains

    Looks hardcore, but if you're not a competitive equipped powerlifter, you don't need them. Here's why. Nothing in the weight training field looks more hardcore than lifting with chains. Not surprisingly, we see a lot of people squatting, bench pressing, and deadlifting with chains who have no...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    Push Yourself

    If you’re an advanced athlete, someone who hits the gym leisurely, or find yourself somewhere between those two ends of the spectrum, push-ups need to be in your program. There is simply no doubt about their effectiveness. Bodyweight training seems to have taken a backseat recently since a wide...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    Using Variable Resistance Training To Bust Through Plateaus

    Variable resistance training, or VRT, has been a fixture in powerlifting for decades. In this context, VRT specifically refers to resistance training with elastic bands or chains attached to a barbell, mostly in the squat, bench press, and deadlift exercises. These are not thera-bands or...
  4. 01dragonslayer

    One Tip To Transform Your Bench Press

    There are two things that almost every lifter in the weight room cares about: growing their chest and increasing their bench. Fortunately, if you focus on one, you can usually improve the other. Although strength is usually a bigger priority for powerlifters, bodybuilders can also benefit from...
  5. 01dragonslayer

    One Tip To Transform Your Bench Press

    There are two things that almost every lifter in the weight room cares about: growing their chest and increasing their bench. Fortunately, if you focus on one, you can usually improve the other. Although strength is usually a bigger priority for powerlifters, bodybuilders can also benefit from...
  6. GRIM


    I plan to get some different length chain and clips to use to 'change' things up Using a v handle for rows with plates for example Plates for easy handle curls etc Figured or thought up a few moves so far Anyone else do this?
  7. EG News

    The Chain Flye Variation to Help You Avoid Shoulder Pain

    marius bugge / M+F Magazine Flyes remove reliance on the triceps and deltoids so you can better isolate the chest muscle for growth. And besides looking badass, using chains to do them takes some pressure off the shoulder joints, increases instability for more muscle recruitment, and ensures...
  8. BrotherIron

    Good morning variations...

    Here are a list of exercises which work well in helping to develop your posterior chain which translates into lifting more weight. There are many variations that you can use and you can use bands, chains, weight releasers for differing levels of resistance. Bent Over Good Mornings: Place the...
  9. F.I.S.T.

    Theater Chains Are Refusing to Screen Paranormal Activity: Ghost Dimension

    Theater Chains Are Refusing to Screen Paranormal Activity: Ghost Dimension Jared Jones | 16 October 2015 No, this is not the latest marketing scheme by the Paranormal Activity folks to get asses in seats -- at least, not overtly. Although it might not have come...