
  1. 01dragonslayer


    Today we’re going to continue our series on low back pain during the squat by applying a novel concept to help us understand WHY back pain occurs. Physical Therapist Gray Cook (author of the book Movement and creator of the FMS screen) along with strength coach Mike Boyle coined the...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    Keeping Your Ego in Check

    Regardless of what we try to accomplish in life, be it a career move, securing a sports or supplement contract, starting a business, or building a better physique, one of the underlying consistencies permeating virtually endeavor, is the tendency we have as humans to both over inflate the value...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    Build Your Strength

    In order to reach any health and fitness goal, you need to build a solid strength foundation. To get you there, we have all of the resources you need for workouts, nutrition guidance on how to fuel your body, and supplements to help give you that edge! Create A Game Plan Building strength...
  4. 01dragonslayer

    Keeping Your Ego in Check

    Regardless of what we try to accomplish in life, be it a career move, securing a sports or supplement contract, starting a business, or building a better physique, one of the underlying consistencies permeating virtually endeavor, is the tendency we have as humans to both over inflate the value...
  5. 01dragonslayer

    7 Portion-Size Mistakes You’re Probably Making

    Choosing high-quality whole foods is a key component of successful weight loss and overall health. But portion sizes — how much you’re eating — are equally important and can be easy to get wrong. In fact, we often overdo it on foods that sound healthful (i.e., acai bowls) without considering the...
  6. 01dragonslayer

    Food Portions You’re Probably Getting Wrong

    Whether you’re packing dried fruit to take on a hike or enjoying an ice cream cone, it’s important to keep portion sizes in check. “Once you have a concept of the right portion sizes you can log your intake more carefully, make better choices and support your health goals,” says McKenzie Jones...
  7. 01dragonslayer

    4 Fun Ways to Decide Who’s Picking Up the Check

    Typically, paying your tab is the only part of a night out at a bar that isn’t fun. But there are ways to inject a little joy into even this most painful of tasks, namely by turning the check into a game. While these games range from tests of skills to absolutely random, they all make settling...
  8. kingofthenorth907

    Anyone know how to get ahold of Southern Sarms?

    I won the third place prize for Feb raffle and sent them an email that day. I've sent messages on here, through their site, and another email and still haven't gotten a response. Any ideas?
  9. M

    Check drops is making a come back !

    Would like to get some attention to this exotic item - MyoCrin (Check Drops - 1mg) (US domestic delivery) - Assume that not many have heard on this unique item which is so potent that unlike any steroid (excluding methyl-tren) is dosed by micrograms. The Check drops is...
  10. GRIM

    Urgent all read!

    Change your passwords everywhere! The cloudflare bug is massive again MANY forums and sites rely on cloudflare EG does NOT Localbitcoins is effected even Read the list of known domains here
  11. Daredevil

    Bring on plane?

    Going on a week long trip by plane to California. I plan to bring my Testosterone since I have prescription. My concern is should I bring my T4 liquid? I don't plan to bring my HGH. I don't have a script for either. I've been taking 250mcg of t4 a day. I'm worried my body might become...
  12. M

    Roche Mircera (EPO)

    Alright lads. So I'm starting to get my fitness right back on point now. Just wondering if anyone has any idea where I can purchase this? I can't seem to find it anywhere.
  13. halfnatty

    on the road to recovery need advise and help.

    Well most people know I have high cholesterol and I just got it done it was 260! My diet was shit I have gave up in the gym and blah blah but now I'm back in the game, iv been eating way better and more gym to. I'm 200 and 20 bf My goal is to get down in the 180s and 10 bf and then get blood...
  14. Gibbit

    Cycle advice

    I need some advice on my next cycle. been out of the gym for almost a yr now. What I'm looking for is to put on some size. I have worked a ton so my diet this past year was extremely poor and I have lost a lot of size plus not eating healthy, I'll be honest I look like shit. Lol. So wanted to...
  15. F.I.S.T.

    Knockouts of the Day: Check Out This Pair of Off-the-Cage Superman Punches

    Knockouts of the Day: Check Out This Pair of Off-the-Cage Superman Punches If any MMA movie ever is to be believed, the Superman Punch is not only the defining strike of our fine sport, but one that is both attempted and landed with 100% percent accuracy, be it in a sparring match, street...
  16. Torres

    Dan Green ' Raw Power ' !!!

    Check this dude out !!! I've never heard of him, but guy's a fuckin Beast !!!
  17. D

    any good online people that can help with diets and carb cycle

    im 193 about 13% bf i think its all in my sides love handels ewww i bulk easy but fat burning is hard for me i have to eat very lean
  18. Boltbreaker

    Whats your BP on and off cycle?? HR on and off??

    As the title states I want to know your Blood Pressure and Heart Rate on and off cycle. Maintaining BP for some on cycle is hard and just want to see how AAS affects some of us. I will start.. Off and on BP never changes 118/68 give or take a few points HR 50-60 depending if I have had...
  19. B

    Guys i fuk ed up

    As yall well know I just moved into a new condo..well wouldn't you know I fuk ed up and made a rookie ass mistake..I placed an order and didn't put my unit number on the package. It was delivered Friday but tracking says insufficient address. I'm calling the p.o . In the morning to check and...
  20. lith56bigguy

    Bad news on Bloodwork, did it to myself

    Well to start off, I got lazy in the clean diet department this cycle. I wasn't taking my fish oil regularly and started stopping at Dunkin doughnuts for a sausage wake up wrap and hashbrowns every morning. That was just the start. Then a 20 pc. wendys crispy nuggets and value fries...