
  1. J


    I got clear tren 200 e from Olympia is it possible to have clear tren.
  2. lith56bigguy

    Getting pissed mid cycle and sick

    After 3 weeks of a non going away head cold. I go to my doc and he puts me on prednisone andlevaquin. I've never used levaquin as an antibiotic before and after 5 days. I've seen no change. I'm calling my doc in the morning and requesting what I've always had- Augmentin. Within 2 doses I'd...
  3. F.I.S.T.

    My Secrets to Clear Skin Part 2

    My Secrets to Clear Skin Part 2 October 17, 2015 By John Doe I place a lot of emphasis on my skin as well as my muscles. It sucks to have a large and muscular physique, just to be embarrassed to show it off because of shitty skin. Diet and cleansing play a role in clear skin, but most of the...
  4. B

    Clear stopper

    I just popped the top off my npp and I thought it was broken or something. Then I realized it wasn't a hole but a clear stopper. I have never seen a vial with one and I just smoked for the first time in a month so my thinking may be impaired. Fucking thing tricked me...
  5. TSizemore

    No Chat

    I can't see the chat box! Just says "site failure"!! >:(