
  1. A

    Where's your $$ go

    Now we all know GEAR is a big area where especially here that your money is spent. But seriously aside from "here" where do you feel you spend alot of your hard earned money. For me I'm a shopaholic and I love to buy clothes and shoes (seriously I'm a dude) lol. Also on weekends I tend to eat...
  2. Daredevil

    Black Friday

    Where is everyone going shopping on Black Friday? I'm going to Macy's for clothes. Just curious what everyone is eyeing to buy.
  3. D

    finally ordered

    some clothes from a website I found that custom makes stuff for rock stars, mma fighters, and such. I have a hard time finding clothes in the stores that fit right so I gave this place a shot. Sent my measurements in for a pair of pants and I ordered a t-shirt from one of their galleries. I...