
  1. EG News

    Incorporate Cluster Sets Training To Get Stronger Rep by Rep

    In the gym, an overwhelmingly common practice for size and strength is that of simply performing straight sets of exercise, just like they did it in the old school days. Sure, this plan may be tried, tested and true, but it offers few options if you’ve found you’re in a plateau for either your...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    Cluster Dextrin®: The Science of Carbohydrate Supplements for Athletic Performance

    Conventional sports beverages and carb powders are generally loaded with dextrose and maltodextrin, both of which are relatively low molecular weight carbohydrates with very high glycemic index scores. Consequently, consuming these carbohydrates creates a brief surge in blood glucose levels and...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    Cluster Sets: Pump Up Your Hypertrophy Workouts

    Time to train for the pump. Cluster sets are an excellent bodybuilding technique that allow you to break up training monotony and pack on the muscle size you are after. Clusters - not just for breakfast anymore. Since this is the season to get huuuuge, one might as well try something new. We...
  4. EG News

    Should You Cluster Train?

    OPENING ARGUMENTS DEFENSE Traditionally, exercise repetitions are completed in a continuous manner during each set. Momentary muscular failure generally signals the end of the set. The inclusion of interset rest periods is known as “cluster training” and is an effective way to increase the...
  5. F.I.S.T.

    How Cluster Sets Make Building Serious Muscle Seem Easy

    How Cluster Sets Make Building Serious Muscle Seem Easy By Dan John, April 15, 2015 When you’re a beginner, it’s easy to build muscle. A few warmups sets in practically any lift followed by one hard set of 8 to 12 reps will do wonders. Suddenly, it seems as if you’re developing muscle over...