
  1. puff88

    Storing Gear and Crashed Vials

    My stash always stays inside of a sealed and locked Pelican case. Vials are also inside of 1-2 zip lock bags inside the case. (Im amal like that). Normally, stored inside a safe in a closet that stays between normal room temps. For the last few weeks i moved those pelican case into the attic...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    Is Blue Urine Normal? Urine Colors Explained

    Overview The standard color of your urine is referred to by doctors as “urochrome.” Urine naturally carries a yellow pigment. When you’re staying hydrated, your urine will be a light yellow, close-to-clear color. If you’re getting dehydrated, you’ll notice that your urine is becoming a deep...
  3. EG News

    Yes, Stress Does Cause Your Hair to Turn Gray Faster

    Ivonne Wierink CNN anchor Anderson Cooper once likened getting gray hairs at a young age to premature ejaculation: “You know it can happen prematurely, but when it actually does, it's a total shock.” Cooper has proudly rocked his salt-and-pepper locks since he was about 20. But let’s face it...
  4. EG News

    Incorporate Pre- and Post-Exhaustion Training into Your Program for Bigger Gains

    Nestor Rizhniak / Shutterstock In most beginner exercise textbooks, it’s common to prescribe multi-joint movements (i.e. squats, bench press, deadlifts, etc.) at the start of your workout, and follow with isolation-type exercises (e.g. biceps curls, leg curls, triceps extensions, etc.). In the...
  5. F.I.S.T.

    Children Are Vanishing At An Alarming Rate In This Small Town - PedoGate In America

    Children Are Vanishing At An Alarming Rate In This Small Town - PedoGate In America May 1, 2017 By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine While hundreds of teens have gone missing in the St, Louis area of Missouri since 2000, dozens of them just since the beginning of 2017, and in the small...
  6. EG News

    Should You Cluster Train?

    OPENING ARGUMENTS DEFENSE Traditionally, exercise repetitions are completed in a continuous manner during each set. Momentary muscular failure generally signals the end of the set. The inclusion of interset rest periods is known as “cluster training” and is an effective way to increase the...
  7. EG News

    Iron Obliques Workout

    The obliques are a critical component of the abdominal muscle group. A great exercise for developing the obliques is side bends with a dumbbell. To perform this exercise, stand with feet a little less than shoulder- width apart. Hold a dumbbell in your right hand at your side with palm facing...
  8. EG News

    Tips to Target Your Biceps

    QUESTION I really want to build my biceps, but whenever I am doing curls and really pushing myself, my forearms get pumped up like crazy, but my bi’s—not so much. What can I do? ANSWER This is a common problem, as most lifters initiate biceps exercises by curling the wrists inward...
  9. EG News

    Keep Your Gut Functioning Properly

    QUESTION I’ve been hearing about how bacteria can help us. How can I make sure I’ve got the good stomach bugs? ANSWER Studies on the bacterial populations that live in our gastrointestinal tract have exploded in the past few years. These masses of germs—which are estimated to be at least...
  10. Z

    Thanks Flying Fox!!! I LOVE EG!!!

    I LOVE EG!!! I just belly-laughed out loud when I saw Flying Fox's footer: "flyingfox is not, nor has he ever been black.... Not that there's anything wrong with being black...." The reason this was so funny to me is because I, like a number of other people, thought that Flying Fox was our...
  11. F.I.S.T.

    No Whites Allowed: Seattle ‘Yoga Class for People of Color’ Excludes Caucasians

    No Whites Allowed: Seattle ‘Yoga Class for People of Color’ Excludes Caucasians by Adan Salazar | | October 8, 2015 "White friends, allies and partners are respectfully asked not to attend" A yoga studio in Seattle is accused of promoting racial discrimination by holding...
  12. Dago

    Lid colors on vials

    Lid colors on vials I never really paid attention that close but ive always noticed tren carries black tops test-e white there a certain color code labs use for the most part or vary lab to lab ?