
  1. EG News

    Vitamin C Really Does Reduce the Severity of a Cold Says Science

    Finding time to exercise is difficult enough for most of us in today’s hectic world, so any supplement that we can take to avoid missing too many sessions due to illness has got to be seen as a huge plus. Fortunately, a recent study has highlighted the importance of vitamin C as relates to the...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    Antibiotic Brief

    Here is a basic antibiotic list.... You probably need some antibiotics! Here is some basic info on how they work, which work best or are most common and what kind of doses might be employed. You wouldn’t do a test only cycle without Nolva, right? Of course not, you’d be asking for gyno. Don’t...
  3. EG News

    Fix Your Farmer’s Carry By Eliminating These 3 Common Mistakes

    The farmer’s carry seems simple, at least watching someone else do it, but when you pick up a heavyweight and start walking, you quickly realize how hard it is. Your shoulders ache, your grip starts slipping, and you begin to realize that you maybe making, what be one of many, farmer carry...
  4. EG News

    Flye to Greater Gains By Eliminating These 4 Dumbbell Chest Flye Mistakes

    The bench press and its variations still remain the go-to exercises to build size and strength in the chest. But don’t discount the dumbbell chest flye and all its pec-pumping versions. The beauty of this exercise is that it takes much the triceps out of the move so you can focus on the chest...
  5. EG News

    Improve Your Kettlebell Swing by fixing These 4 Common Mistakes

    The kettlebell swing is a ballistic hip hinge exercise that strengthens your backside and grip and will increase your heart rate in a joint-friendly fashion. The kettlebell swing is a fundamental move based on which many other kettlebell moves, including the snatch, clean, and clean & press...
  6. 01dragonslayer

    Clenbuterol FAQ | Dosing

    Originally Written By: PerfectBeast2001 @ Clenbuterol FAQ After reading and answering the same questions every week I decided to write this FAQ. Hopefully it will answer the most commonly asked questions about Clen and also dispel some of the myths and untruths associated...
  7. 01dragonslayer

    Four common misconceptions about steroids

    Four common misconceptions about steroids Steroids and bodybuilding go hand in hand as far as most people are concerned, and unfortunately in this day and age, anybody and everybody can post whatever they like onto the internet, with no real facts or evidence to back up their claims. For this...
  8. EG News

    Recover at Home Safer and Smarter with These Tips from Cord DeMoss

    If you’re an athlete, chances are you’ve encountered an injury or two. Whether it be a simple, two-day bout of severe DOMS or a full-blown hamstring tear, chances are, you’ve had to recover at home. The stress that floods in after a twisted ankle or tweaked muscle is normal, but there is no...
  9. 01dragonslayer

    Four common misconceptions about steroids

    Four common misconceptions about steroids Steroids and bodybuilding go hand in hand as far as most people are concerned, and unfortunately in this day and age, anybody and everybody can post whatever they like onto the internet, with no real facts or evidence to back up their claims. For this...
  10. E

    Common steroid medication does not reduce risk of long-term pain after heart surgery

    Common steroid medication does not reduce risk of long-term pain after heart surgery A common steroid medication does not ease long-term pain at the incision site made during open-heart surgery, according to results of a large multicenter randomized controlled trial being presented at the...
  11. LittleTom

    Common sense

    In regards to this Spartan business, where did common sense go in this situation? Erik said it best in his post in the warning thread. A brand new guy with zero reviews (if you did any digging you will find nothing on this guy) and products that no one else has at prices that are below average...
  12. F.I.S.T.

    8 Common Kitchen Spices that Are Healing Superfoods

    8 Common Kitchen Spices that Are Healing Superfoods by Christina Sarich Posted on June 16, 2015 These are essential for a natural medicine cabinet Anyone who cooks on occasion usually has a pantry full of spices, but they can do more than flavor our food. Some might be more exotic, like...