
  1. 01dragonslayer

    Beast Building – Part 2

    Phase 1 18 of our training program was all about jacking up your nervous system: improving your capacity to recruit the highly trainable high threshold motor units (HTMUs), and inhibiting the protective mechanisms that prevent you from becoming a true beast. In this second phase, we’ll take...
  2. EG News

    15 Minute Barbell Complex Workout To Get Shredded Fast

    How many times have you assumed a great workout requires a fully equipped gym with tons of equipment? Stop assuming, it’s not true. When equipment access is limited and your time is tight, it’s time to think outside the box. Forget about straight sets, supersets, and circuits. Instead, dive...
  3. EG News

    These 3 Dumbbell Complexes Can Help You Burn Fat during Your Next Workout

    Working out to get lean is not the most enjoyable experience. The calorie deficit, watching what you eat, and the higher intensity workouts required to see your abs are tough. There are not many ways around it when you want to get a lean look. Therefore, it would be best to have workouts to get...
  4. 01dragonslayer

    Good Carbs vs Bad Carbs: Do You Know the Difference?

    Do you love carbs? Of course, you do! They’re delicious! Carbohydrates are a great source of energy when our body converts them into glycogen. However, when you look at many diets that people are following these days, the majority of them are low or no carb. Look at the Atkins Diet and...
  5. 01dragonslayer

    Finding Balance

    If you can teach your mind and body that there is balance in all foods then you can hit your goals, and retain them, in an efficient, healthy, and sustainable way. And in the end, you will win the diet game! Look, we love to over-complicate things when it comes to nutrition. Between taking out...
  6. 01dragonslayer

    Body Like A God: A Complete Bodyweight Muscle Building Plan

    No equipment or gym? No problem. Build muscle at home with this classic bodyweight training system. This is a flexible training system that focuses on the use of exercise complexes. WORKOUT SUMMARY Main Goal Build Muscle Workout Type Full Body Training Level Beginner Program Duration4 weeks...
  7. 01dragonslayer

    How to Use Complexes to Build Muscle & Burn Fat

    Complexes are the perfect tool for those looking to get more out of their workouts. Give these variations a try to maximize your muscle building & fat loss. No one has ever said building muscle and losing fat was easy. If you know anyone who has been successful at it, they’ll surely tell you it...
  8. 01dragonslayer

    Hardcore 40: Blast Fat and Get Shredded in 40 Days!

    The Hardcore 40 combines a high-speed, fat burning workout system with HIIT cardio and a precision diet to melt away fat and leave behind muscle. It’s time for all out war on fat. You have a goal – look good by Summer, lean out before your next birthday, or drop the freshman 15 – and now you...
  9. EG News

    Build More Muscle in Less Time with This Brutal Barbell Complex

    Full-body workouts don’t have to all be light weight, calisthenics-style routines intended for general populations at trendy boutique gyms. You can actually do an advanced-level, fast-tempo workout that hits all major muscle groups and build real muscle and strength, while also getting some in...
  10. EG News

    How to use complex routines to build muscle

    [Unable to locally host - Direct Link 4 Security]: Corey Jenkins / Getty About 20 years ago, strength and...
  11. M.O.B. D


    Just wanted to see if any of you fellow meat heads are using or have used B-12 or B Complex? If so what dosage and sub q or IM? What did it do for you? Any advice will be helpful thanks guys!!!
  12. Eman

    Purus Labs Muscle Marinade

    This is my new fav preworkout! Next to suspension of course. Keeps me going and going in the gym.