A Supplement That Works Without Exercise
Pharmaceutical companies would love to sell this body-composition-improving compound, but they can't. It's a natural substance. Here's the science.
It's a common fantasy: Take this pill to lose fat and build muscle without exercise or dieting. The people...
Ashwagandha leaf extract is derived from the Withania somnifera plant and is thought to have an array of benefits. You’ve probably seen it in your local health store in pill form but understanding a compound that is difficult to pronounce might have you baffled as to the benefits.
That said...
Ashwagandha leaf extract is derived from the Withania somnifera plant and is thought to have an array of benefits. You’ve probably seen it in your local health store in pill form but understanding a compound that is difficult to pronounce might have you baffled as to the benefits.
That said...
The idea that a pill could replace adequate exercise and healthy nutrition seems like the stuff of science fiction, but according to scientists at Washington University, a new pill really could prevent heart disease, dementia, and even build more muscle, by mimicking the effects of being active...
Although getting a pump feels good and can be gratifying in the short term, research shows you don’t need to get a pump to build muscle.
What’s more, focusing exclusively on the kind of training that’s most effective for getting a pump—high-reps, light weights, short rest periods, and so...
You are probably not learning or progressing if you’re not making mistakes. When you make mistakes, then you know better and then do better. If you make the same mistake twice, you will learn better the third time.
In the weight room, when striving for progress, mistakes are going to be made...
Save Time, Build Muscle
Build Size and Strength Without the Time Suck
Building size and strength isn’t something you can rush, but certain training tweaks can help you get more done in less time. That’s where compound sets come in.
What are they? There are disagreements on what a compound set...
So idk much about masteron the short or longer ester. I notice it’s priced higher than most injectable’s which kinda makes me wonder am I missing out on something. I have used those cut stack vials w mast prop in it but that’s been several years ago. I seen them on dyels list. Anyone have...
John Matulevich helps you to improve your results by incorporating non-competing supersets, standing exercise variations, HIIT cardio and (more) potent compound movements.
From using more productive workouts to getting into and out of the gym faster, there are always ‘tweaks’ you can make to...
This workout uses only compound exercises. Compound exercises are movements that require more than 1 joint and more than 1 muscle group.
Main Goal
Build Muscle
Workout Type
Training Level
Program Duration6 weeks
Days Per Week
Time Per Workout30-45 minutes...
Something that is never really discussed in bodybuilding are workouts that involve stimulating individual muscles during different parts of the workout.
What I mean by that is this – there is this mentality with building muscle that says we have to torch a muscle and then move to the next...
Growing your arms is actually pretty simple: Isolate your biceps and triceps with curls and extensions (respectively), hammer these moves from Logan Carpenter with volume and intensity, and make sure you’re pounding protein the rest of the day. Repeat weekly. (And don’t forget to train all your...
Something that is never really discussed in bodybuilding are workouts that involve stimulating individual muscles during different parts of the workout.
What I mean by that is this – there is this mentality with building muscle that says we have to torch a muscle and then move to the next...
Is there any rule of thumb around primo to test ratio? Meaning, any philosophy behind say running twice the amount of primo as you are test, or visa versa?
For someone on TRT looking to give primo a first try and dosing primo around 300-400 mgs per week, would a 150-200mg dose of test per week...
Something that is never really discussed in bodybuilding are workouts that involve stimulating individual muscles during different parts of the workout.
What I mean by that is this – there is this mentality with building muscle that says we have to torch a muscle and then move to the next...
As a fitness-minded individual, you probably stay away from things like candy for the most part. But we are all humans after all, and we have our weak points. That being said, a recent case out of Massachusetts is a good reminder that too much of a good thing can be bad, even deadly, for you...
Might run some of this with test prop and/or test ace this summer
Protodrol was introduced by i-Force Nutrition, designed to be a less toxic compound than some of the older prohormones on the market. Daily dosage was 50-75mg a day. It is not currently being sold..
Effects: ...
Kevin Horton
By incorporating more than one body part in a team effort, you can use more weight than when a muscle goes alone. Generally, the more complex a body part, the easier it is to work with compound lifts. On the other hand, simpler body parts, like calves...