
  1. EG News

    Unlocking the Secrets of Peptides for Optimal Fitness Enhancement

    From dedicated athletes to fitness enthusiasts, achieving greater strength, endurance, and physique improvements is often a common desire. It’s in this landscape that Paradigm Peptides, a trailblazer in the world of pharmaceutical-grade peptides and SARMs, has been making waves since its...
  2. Dustined83

    Npp and tren a?

    I dont really suffer from gyno but i have caber and aromosin on hand. Anyone had serious issues running these together?
  3. dowork

    Tren-cough (with other compounds)

    Does anyone get tren-cough from other compounds? I've had actual tren-cough a few times so I do know what it feels like. I haven't done a tren cycle in over 5 years. Very often I get a very mild tren-like-cough, specifically that "rush" feeling in your lungs, from most anabolics injects...
  4. Daredevil

    Thoughts on cycle breaks

    Gents what's your thoughts about taking a break from cycling and blasting? By cruising do we give our receptors and body a break and that when we start blasting again the gear is more effective? I'm curious as to if we run hardcore blasting cycles continuously are the compounds less effective...
  5. F.I.S.T.

    Cloves Stop the Growth of Several Cancers

    Cloves Stop the Growth of Several Cancers Posted on: Tuesday, November 10th 2015 Written By: Case Adams, Naturopath You might like the spicy taste of cloves in your meal. But cloves have a deeper side: The ability to halt the growth of a number of types of cancers, including breast...
  6. F.I.S.T.

    Spicy Condiment Fights Deadly Pancreatic Cancer with Accuracy

    Spicy Condiment Fights Deadly Pancreatic Cancer with Accuracy by Christina Sarich Posted on October 14, 2015 One of the hardest cancers to treat. f you love to eat sushi, and particularly the green mustard with a kick which comes with most Japanese dishes – wasabi – then you could very well...
  7. tunaman7

    Old men and gear...Does it matter?

    Brothers. I am now at the ripe old age of 51. Im getting fucking AARP membership cards in the mail on a weekly basis. The music that I loved from the 80s is now classified as (gulp) "oldies". Then here comes Ms.Tuna who says "aren't you getting a little too old to run gear". Oh shit...the...
  8. jshredz

    Bloods while on other compounds

    So I went to see a doc a month ago about possibly getting on trt. I knew I would have to get blood work done so I had stopped taking test a month before. I was only taking 300mg/wk of tpp so I figured one month off works be plenty of time for my levels to drop. The only thing I was taking before...
  9. gearbender

    new cycle

    thinkin of running a cycle of 900 Test, 600 Mast, 500 Eq, and 200 Deca a week, split up in 2 pins per week. anybody have any thoughts or experience to share on combining these compounds... thanks. gearbender
  10. Youngtricep98

    Youngtricep here

    Hello brothas im youngtricep. 25years of age. 215lbs 5'8. weight will be dropping soon due to an injury that requires surgery. anyway, ive been lifting for about 8 years. 4 years seriously. started my first cycle young at the age of 21. basic test e for 12 weeks. i have experience in various...


    why does no body carry this compound?? is it availability, cost, no market for it?? Just curious I see it a-lot in overseas shops but never on dom lists...
  12. N

    Looked in the mirror

    ...and thought, "why the fuck do I still look like a little girl?" I did just take a month out of the gym after 2 1/2 years of straight training (1 year training hard) and lost a LOT of size. Plus, I know personal judgement is always going to be the hardest, and I'll critique myself 10x harder...