
  1. 01dragonslayer

    The Best Diet for Brain Health

    There are countless articles on the Internet about "The Best Diet For Abs." But, there is very little out there about the best diet for the most important part of your entire being... Your brain! Lucky for us, living a healthy life is not only good for abs, but also very good for your brain...
  2. 01dragonslayer


    How to gain weight for bodybuilding If you want to get big and grow muscle, you really need to EAT. And we’re not talking protein shakes and snacks between meals – we’re talking 5+ meals a day, six eggs for breakfast, shakes containing 1200+ kcals apiece. If you’re a hard gainer looking to bulk...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    Steak Week!

    We've all see bodybuilding workout plans designed to boost your bench press by X amount in 2 weeks, or add 15 pounds of beef to your frame in Y weeks, or put 2 inches on your arms in just Z days. However, there are so many factors that go into the creation and implementation of such workouts...
  4. 01dragonslayer

    Fat Loss And Macronutrients: Eat What You Want And Still Lose Fat

    You’ve been there before, that point where you become fed up and decide to lose weight. You went on some diet that restricted your food consumption, limited your food options, and made you miserable. Then to add to it, you put endless hours into the gym for weeks on end, only to figure out that...
  5. 01dragonslayer

    Misunderstood Macros: 8 Lies You've Been Told About Protein

    So many lies about protein exist in mainstream media. Learn which lies aren't true and begin to reintroduce this important macro into your diet. “Am I getting enough protein?” “Is too much protein bad for me?” “What type of protein should I eat?” These are just a few of the many concerns that we...
  6. 01dragonslayer

    Can You Eat Too Much Fiber in Your Diet?

    You may know that the 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend 25-35g fiber per day for individuals aged 14-50 and 21-30g for adults over 501. Although average intakes in the US are lower than what is recommended2, those of us who are conscientious about what and how much we eat...
  7. F.I.S.T.

    The Carb-Rotating Diet for Bodybuilders

    The Carb-Rotating Diet for Bodybuilders By Steven Stiefel The pros, cons, and who should follow it. PHILOSOPHY Carbs have many different effects on the body. When you consume very few of them, you begin to burn body fat. But your metabolic rate the number of calories your body burns every...
  8. F.I.S.T.

    The Carb-Rotating Diet for Bodybuilders

    The Carb-Rotating Diet for Bodybuilders By Steven Stiefel The pros, cons, and who should follow it. PHILOSOPHY Carbs have many different effects on the body. When you consume very few of them, you begin to burn body fat. But your metabolic rate—the number of calories your body burns every...